
Линейни направляващи, Плъзгащи лагери, Лагери |
служители : |
5563 |
година на основаване : |
1971 |
бранш : |
Manufacturer |
творчески идеи THK и уникална технология прави от пионерите компанията в световен мащаб в развитието на линейната Motion (LM) Пътеводител механизъм. Днес нашите LM Пътеводител устройства са необходима съставна част на механични и електронни системи в различни отрасли на промишлеността. THK разработи също и много други уникални механични компоненти, включително топка шпонка, топката винтове и линкове топки, които са произведени от нас за снабдяване на клиенти по целия свят
Name of company (registered)
April 10, 1971 |
Akihiro Teramachi |
Fiscal Year End
March |
Head Office
3-11-6, Nishi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo Japan 141-8503 Tel: +81-(0)3-5434-0300 |
Major products
Linear motion systems (e.g. LM Guide and Ball Spline), Ball Screw, XY Tables, Link Balls, and Rod Ends |
33,916 million yen (as of March 31, 2007) |
No. of employees
2,961 (consolidated total : 5,563) (as of March 31, 2007) |
| Ball Screw The Ball Screw is a high-efficiency feed screw with the ball making a rolling motion between the screw axis and the nut. Compared with a conventional sliding screw, this product has drive torque of one-third or less, making it most suitable for saving drive motor power. |
| Cross Roller Guide The Cross Roller Guide is a limited stroke linear guide that has precision rollers orthogonalized alternately. This product provides rigid yet supple linear motion and is particularly suitable for linear guidance where high rigidity and supple movement is demanded. |
| Linear Ball Slide The Linear Ball Slide is a lightweight, compact, limited stroke linear guide unit that operates with very low sliding resistance. It excels in high-speed responsive performance due to its very small frictional factor and low inertia. |
| Linear Motion (LM) Guide mechanism. Linear Motion (LM) Guide mechanism. |
| LM Guide Actuator The LM Guide Actuator is a compact actuator with high rigidity and high precision that has an integrated LM Guide with a ball screw. Reductions in the number of parts and design man-hours can be realised by adopting the LM Guide Actuator. |
| Slide Pack The Slide Pack is an inexpensive linear guide configured with the press-formed slider and roll-formed rails. It provides lightweight, compact and supple linear motion | |