
# Монтажни роботи
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# Микроформовъчни технологии |
година на основаване : |
1995 |
бранш : |
Manufacturer |
IIAI Industrieroboter GmbH е немски продажби, маркетинг и услуги ръката на IAI Corporation, която е базирана в Япония. От нашия европейски седалище близо до Франкфурт, ние подкрепяме немски и европейски пазари. IAI е бил активен в немския пазар от 1995 г. насам. "Нашата компания девиз е качеството и иновациите", каза IAI основател и главен изпълнителен директор Toru Ishida. "Ние никога не са доволни от статуквото и винаги карам иновации напред да осигури най-качествени продукти и услуги. Нашата цел от самото начало е абсолютна удовлетвореност на клиента. " Клиенти, които са използвани при изграждането на собствени механизми използват компоненти от различни производители са реализиране на ползите от закупуване на напълно интегрираната система от един производител. На огромния опит на IAI, заедно със своите изследвания и опит develpment опит в продължение на много години, че са лидер на пазара в Япония, осигурява система ще работи първи път. Нашите продуктови линии RC RoboCylinder, IA IntelligentActuator и IX IntelligentActuator включва широка гама от продукти за настаняване специфични нужди, включително ballscrew и изпълнителни механизми времето колан, въртящи механизми, както и ниска цена единична ос механизъм / контролер пакети. В програмиране език, предназначени за по-лесна за употреба, с които не са програмисти, не отразява присъщи правомощия и възможности на ръководители на ИА за да извършвате сложни ходове и да се осигури висока степен на гъвкавост. Всичко необходимо, за да получите система и управление се включват: * Администратора * Механизъм (пълен с интегрална двигатели и серво енкодери) * Всички кабели и скоби * Софтуера
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| IA IntelligentActuator Product Line Multi-Axis Cartesian Robot System IS(P)A Series (A: with coupling)
This is the enhanced 2nd generation of IAIs most polular series of linear actuator. The series incorporates a number of major design innovations which have greatly enhanced the capability of our ballscrew actuators.
Increased overall rigidity and frame strength
Minimised overall length and smaller footprint
AC servo motor with optical encoder
Four different sizes
Low, medium and high speed types
Maximum stroke : 2,500 mm
Maximum horizontal payload : 150 kg
Maximum speed : 2,000 mm/s
Repeatability : +/-0.05 mm ("P" precision design: +/-0.02 mm)
These significant improvements enable the new ISA/ISPA Series to handle a wider vairety of applications and addresses the needs of manufacturers to provide strong, compact, and affordable robots that are well designed, easy to use, and can handle numerous automated manufacturing appplications. |
| ICS(P)A2 Two-Axes Integrated Combination System ICS(P)A2 Two-Axes Integrated Combination System
The most commonly selected IS(P)A Series configurations are offered as completed double axis systems ("P": precision design).
All cartesian ICS(P)A Series systems are lightweight, compact, and highly stable platforms.
A wide variety of unit configurations are available to suit each user`s particular needs.
Each cartesian ICS(P)A System comes with all brackets and cabling and is ready to be assembled and introduced into producton setting. This allows the user to increase productivity immediately.
X-Y-Rotary systems are also offered.
Maximum stroke x-/y-axis: 2.500 mm / 1.200 mm (Gantry Type)
Maximum Payload y-axis: 40 kg
With self-standing hose or cable track assembly
Brake and limit switch option for all linear actuators
Dedicated X and Y axes are used for combination.
All other IA linear acutuators can also be combinated.
Ask for dust shield or cleanroom systems as well as the combinations other than IS(P)A Series actuators.
Each Combination System is delivered with an appropriate multi-axis X-SEL controller.
| ICS(P)A3 Three-Axes Integrated Combination System ICS(P)A3 Three-Axes Integrated Combination System
The most commonly selected IS(P)A Series configurations are offered as completed triple axis systems ("P": precision design).
All cartesian ICS(P)A Series systems are lightweight, compact, and highly stable platforms.
A wide variety of unit configurations are available to suit each user`s particular needs.
Each cartesian ICS(P)A System comes with all brackets and cabling and is ready to be assembled and introduced into producton setting. This allows the user to increase productivity immediately.
4-Axis(XYZRotary) systems are also offered.
Maximum stroke x-/y-axis: 2.500 mm / 1.200 mm (Gantry Type)
Maximum stroke z-Axis: 600 mm
Maximum Payload z-/y-axis: 19 kg / 19 kg
With self-standing hose or cable track assembly
Brake and limit switch option for all linear actuators
Dedicated X, Y and Z axes are used for combination.
All other IA linear acutuators can also be combinated.
Ask for dust shield or cleanroom systems as well as the combinations other than IS(P)A Series actuators.
Each Combination System |
| X-SEL Multi-Axis Controller The newly released X-SEL controller simplifies complicated programming tasks such as palletising and path movements using intuitive SEL language. Absolute encoders (option), high-speed multi-tasking, synchronous drive control, infinite motion, expandable I/O, network capability and a unique "push function" are only a few of advantages offered. The X-SEL is designed for use with Intelligent Actuators full range of standard ballscrew, timing belt and rotary actuators.:
6,000 Program steps
3,000 Positions for each axis
64 Programs (multi-tasking up to 16 programs)
Up to 750W Motor Capacity
Symbol Definition for Variables, Inputs, Outputs, Flags, Points etc
New Commands includes Palletising, Arch Motion, Spline and many more
2-Axis Synchronised Control Possible
Push Movement and Zone Signal
Infinite Stroke Mode Function
Increase PATH Speed and Accuracy
Hardwired E-Stop and Enable Terminals
230VAC Main and 24V DC for Digital I/O
Absolute Encoder Option
For communication with other controllers or external devices, you may use serial interface as well as digital I/O.
Each controller is equipped with 32 inputs and 16 outputs as standard, but it can be expanded with up to 3 Expansion I/O units for a maximum of 96 inputs and 96 outputs.
The Advanced Features Meets All Application Needs.
The X-SEL, New Generation Controller, Strives for Convenience, Serviceability, Absolute Positioning and Safet | |
IAI Program Overview 2008
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