
# Софтуер за техническа част и разчети
# Софтуер за моделиране на продукти
# Софтуер за производствени цели; други
# Софтуер и решения за промишлеността като цяло |
година на основаване : |
1984 |
бранш : |
Manufacturer |
От 1984 г. ние се развиваме софтуер в тясно сътрудничество с производителите на стълбище. В резултат на това той е последователно съобразени с техните нужди. Затова повече от 1000 клиенти Доверете се на нашия познания.
Не си губете времето с проектиране стълб на ръка! С нашата програма за твоята стълби в рамките на няколко минути. Получавате мм-точно 1:1 отпечатъци на струните, страна парапети, стъпала и мнения.
Също така по-нататъшното подготовката работа се улеснява от нашата програма. Софтуерът произвежда предлагат листа, woodlists и оптимизирани списъка за рязане. Използвайте изчисляване на необходимите дърва за вашето изчисление!
За да се оптимизира производството стълбище, програмата генерира CNC данни за всички общи центрове за обработка, ако желае.
Освен, че е възможно да представи стълби с цвета и текстурата дърво.
В Wagemeyer Стълбища софтуер ви помага при планирането, проектирането и изчисляването на стълбите!
| Designing stairs with the computer With our program you design straight, quarter-turn, half-turn, two-quarter-turn and three-quarter-turn staircases as well as S-shaped staircases within a few minutes. At installation time, the default settings for stairs used in your company are prepared to be used by the program. As a consequence, a really fast design of your stairs is ensured.
After feeding the program with the basic data of the actual stair, the program calculates a suggestion for the going line. Moreover, all relevant staircase data (e.g. going, number of rises, rise, headroom) are shown to you. All calculations are based on the valid standards for the building of stairs, as far as these can be pre-set in the program. If due to the specific data of a stair these standards cannot be kept, the program indicates that this is the case.
Following this, a suggestion for the structure of the staircase is given by the program. Normally, you can accept this suggestion without further changes. However, if it does not correspond to what you have in your mind, there is a variety of possibilities to change the structure of the staircase - determine the method used by the program to calculate the structure (constant / linear / parabolic), or change the minimum going, or even change the structure by hand. |
| The spindle program Designing stairs with the computer
Design spiral staircases in a few minutes. The program reads out the default values of your production line, e.g. stage strength, column diameter and hand rail mass and transfers this as defaults. Sure, these defaults can be individually entered also for each stairs.
Indicate simply the desired stair diameter and correct the suggestion after customer's request. The construction is final already.
Of course it is also possible to indicate around the stages or adapt only the landing to its process a cover hole.
Now you have the following possibilities of the expenditure:
1:1-print of steps and handrails
Step plates 1:10
Assembly drawing with the most important statements
For the metalworkers we offer an appropriate steel spindle version. With this landing sub-constructions in V and stage sub-constructions in T-form are spent, which on a scale 1:10 are printed out.
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