# Опаковъчни средства
# Допълнителни средства и приспособления за опаковане |
служители : |
5000+ |
година на основаване : |
1864 |
бранш : |
Manufacturer |
Ние разработваме и произвеждаме висококачествени продукти специално изработени от стъкло и пластмаса, основно за Pharma & индустрия Природни науки. В допълнение към специфичните първични контейнери за широка гама от химични вещества и лекарства, нашите продукти и услуги портфолио включва комплексни системи за доставка на наркотици. Ние сме една от малкото компании в нашия сектор, да се специализират еднакво и в двете от най-големите първични материал категории от значение в този взискателен пазар, т.е. стъкло и пластмаса. Ние също така се грижат за нашите клиенти много интензивно за връчване страна.
Чрез силно органичен растеж и целенасочена придобивания по-специално в сегмента Pharma, имаме разширени ни пазарни позиции през последните години. В почти всички области на нашия бизнес ние ранга днес сред световните лидери на пазара. Във всички сфери и особено в сектора на търговията с лекарства и науки за живота, нашите дългогодишни клиенти са много добре известни, международно водещи фирми.
Географската близост на своите клиенти и техните най-важните пазари е ключов критерий за нас. Ние сме представени в Европа, Америка и Азия с 41 производствени предприятия работят общо 10800 души.
Следващата таблица показва делът на нашите общи продажби група се пада на отделните пазарни сегменти, сектори и региони.
| Pharma containers made of plastic Pharma containers made of plastic
Plastic packaging solutions: Intelligent diversity covering all aspects of pharmaceutical products
Comprehensive expertise in the sector of pharmaceutical plastic packaging is an important part of the division Gerresheimer Plastic Systems. We offer a wide range of high-quality and innovative packaging solutions for solid and liquid dosage.
A wide, deep and innovative product range
Our product range is highly diversified. It is tailored to the widely differing requirements of the pharmaceutical industry in terms of shapes and sizes. Through innovative developments we contribute to making the delivery of modern medications simpler and safer for patients.
• Our standard range includes containers and closures for tablets, PET bottles, eye droppers, nasal sprays and nebulisers.
• A wide choice of different standards for dosage, closure and security systems makes the range fully adjustable in all categories: tailored to the individual requirements of our customers.
• We offer the total packaging solution from a single source, including internally produced desiccant.
• For many drugs we have found particularly user-friendly forms for handling, precise dosage and application.
• Our supply packaging is designed to ensure problem-free and efficient use in pharmaceutical production.
• For different applications we use a wide spectrum of materials (LDPE, HDPE, PP, PET).
Production and quality
Our manufacturing operations use state-of-the-art technology and apply the most rigorous quality and hygiene standards. This covers all production technologies from injection moulding and injection blow moulding to blow moulding processes. The greater part of our production is carried out in modern clean-room systems which are classified in the 10,000 or 100,000 category. All plants apply the rules of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and are certified in accordance with ISO 9001 and other relevant international norms.
Documentation and worldwide registration
For our products in general, full conformity with the European pharmacopoeia, the United States pharmacopeia and the requirements for FDA registration with a Drug Master File is a minimum standard as part of our total concept. Knowing the extensive requirements of our customers we focus on providing a high level of documentation with our products.
Technology and know-how: the basis for market-oriented product development
Continuous dedication to technology and product development is Gerresheimer’s key in setting the standard for packaging design. On this basis we are able to serve the pharmaceutical markets with the latest developments in packaging systems. We know, understand and reinforce our customers’ business.
As our customers’ total solution provider focusing on innovation, documentation and technology we want to be the preferred global partner in pharmaceutical plastic packaging with the aim to create a preference for our customers’ products.
| Pharma containers made of tubular glass Clear or amber borosilicate glass of type I is used by us to produce high-quality medicine vials as well as ampoules and cartridges - which overall make up a comprehensive tubular-glass range of primary packaging for pharmaceutics. Highly refined production technologies also allow us to offer extremely intricate shapes. As a vertically integrated manufacturer we also produce the borosilicate tubes internally as intermediate products. | |