
CNC пробиване система • Хоризонтален банциг • пробиване център • Щанцоване-срязване машина • Плочка пробиване и пробивна машина • Ъгъл пробиване-срязване машина • Профил машини за огъване • Cambering машина |
служители : |
200+ |
година на основаване : |
1968 |
бранш : |
Manufacturer |
Voortman е разработил над 30 години, за да бъде един от водещите световни доставчици на CNC машини, управлявани за обработка на стомана. Това непрекъснато развитие доведе до високо качество на нашите машини е лидер на пазара и в челните редици на най-новите технологии. Voortman е познато от своите възможности и ефективност при проектиране и доставка на цялостни системи за производство на стомана-преработвателния сектор. Надеждност, качество, производителност и услуги са едни от основните изисквания за производството и тези условия са в основата на проектирането и производството на нашите машини.
Тези основни принципи, надеждност, качество, производителност и услуги с висок приоритет и чрез постоянни иновации, Voortman непрекъснато развитие на нашата продуктова гама. Тези принципи играе основна роля в цялата ни организация, да поиска информация и запитвания от клиенти по целия път на доставка и сервиз на машината
| Drilling center For the V603M, V613M and V630M drilling system the positioning of a profile is carried out by a machine integrated feeder rolls positioning system.
Both, the V603M as well as the V630M, are executed with one vertical and two horizontal servo-controlled drilling units. Therefore profiles can be drilled simultaneously in both flanges and in the web. With the rotating drilling unit of the V613M profiles can be drilled vertically as well as horizontally. This system can operate independently for long periods due to the automatic tool changers.
Combine with other systems
The drilling systems can be combined with a horizontal bandsawing machine, a hydraulic numbering machine and/or a beam coping system. For further automation of the pre-fabrication a Voortman shot blaster can be added to the production line. Therefore one operator can centrally control all these machines for drilling, sawing and shot blasting.
Each drilling system is provided with a computer control, which can be integrated in the company’s network, so that DSTV- and DSTV+-data can be directly downloaded, from system files within the company database, to the drilling system. Also software to compose production batches will be installed. |
| Horizontal band saw Horizontal band saw
< 1 550 mm
Voortman has developed five models of band sawing machines especially for sawing structural steel. Four sawing machines are developed for mitre cutting. The fifth is designed for straight cutting of profiles. The sawing machines are equipped with a control system for the selection of the mitre angle and the automatic sawing cycle.
The band speed is frequency controlled and the feed rate is automatically controlled to suit the profile type and size.
The sawing machines can be combined with a length measuring system with stop truck. The sawing machine can also be combined with a drilling system for sawing and drilling in one continuous process.
These sawing machines are available with different cutting capacities. The VB600 for sawing max. 450 x 620 mm, the VB750 for 450 x 750 mm, the VB1050 for 500 x 1.130 mm and the VB1250 for 600 x 1 250 mm.
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V550-4 Punching & shearing system
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V600 Drilling system
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