
Пещи, Термообработващи пещи и оборудване , Пещи с непрекъснат режим на работа |
служители : |
120 |
година на основаване : |
1894 |
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Manufacturer |
Крайъгълният камък на това, което е HORN Glass Industries AG днес беше поставен над 100 години назад, когато август рог основана през 1894 малка стъкларската промишленост услуги в Бавария. HORN Glass Industries AG е извършил тази традиция допълнително да се присъедини към редиците на водещите международни растителна стъкло оборудване. Днес рог е, например, поставя сред Топ 500 на работа в Европа създават дружества с награда на Европа и работят около 120 души. HORN Glass Industries AG има богат опит в проектирането, производството и предлагането на различни видове пещи, като например регенеративните и непрекъснат възстановителен пещи резервоар, флоат пещи, електрически танк, гърне пещи, ден цистерни, електрически пещи резервоар за битови и осветление изделия, кухненска посуда, контейнери, технически изделия от стъкло, стъкло и други, в различни видове стъкло. Диапазон рог на полезност оборудване включва горивни системи, контрол и безопасност, оборудване, електрически и повишаване mixings системи, за да назовем само няколко примера. HORN Glass Industries AG предлага всички forehearth системи, доставка станции за нефт, газ, кислород, вода, регенериращо и възстановителен горелка системи, горивни инсталации, системи и насърчаване процеса на управляващи системи с най-висок стандарт. Рог е разработила продукти като OPTIBEAM; международно прилагат лазерна система за контрол на нивото стъкло.
| Cold top batch charger Cold top batch charger
For electrical furnaces with Cold Top for even batch distribution on the surface of the glass.
Construction and Configuration:
- Type: HVFE mit a charging capacity from 4 - 50 tpd
- base frame with longitudinal and transverse waggon
- vibrating chute
- dust extraction unit
- PLC - Control
- As an option, the control parameter can be set via operator panel
Features / Benefits:
- even batch distribution
- even movement of the driving axles due to the direct drive
- adaption of the batch charging direction
| Cross Fired Furnace Regenerative cross fired furnaces are used for production capacities of above 220 t/d or because of space reasons also for smaller furnaces. The long flame and wide crown span are reasons that End Fired Furnaces above 450 t/d are not built any more, they are often replaced by the Cross Fired Furnaces at this range. Regenerators, burner neck and burners are located there laterally.
The doghouse is situated at the front and over the whole width of the furnace. As alternative doghouse can be designed as two small charging front building.
The burner necks are in step design and are subject to energy consumption in the different melting zones designed in different sizes. By special devices in the regenerators or in the waste gas channels the air / waste gas flow can be controlled in each burner neck.
As at the End Fired Furnace all internals like barrier wall, deep refining area, melting boosting, bubbling system or throat boosting can be installed in the Cross Fired Furnace as well.
- For high capacity furnaces up to 750 t/d (at float furnace up to 1000 t/d)
- Temperature profile along the length of the furnace can be adjusted easily
- At suitable designed superstructure a re-circulation of the flame is possible
| Heat Treating Furnaces and equipment Heat Treating Furnaces and equipment, annealing_lehrs. |
| Measurement and Controlequipment The technological condition of a glass melting plant´s control system determines the plant´s financial feasibility as well as the quality of the glass produced. A side from the most modern visualisation software used to support the inspection of the melting process, HORN has developed products such as the OPTIBEAM; the internationally appoied laser glass level control system.
HORN offers functional units for miscellaneous requirements, primarily:
MCC (Motor Control Cabinet) and -electronic within the low voltage range
Measurement and control technology
Control aund automation technology
Process supervision technology
To control and govern the complex technological glass melting process, HORN has developed a four-level operational concept. The aim is to display technical parameters in the clearest and most user-friendly way and at the same time achieve the highest possible safety level.
Process supervision and visualisation
PLC - levels with independent operating units
Back-up hardware levels
Manual operation level
HORN furnaces are fitted with individual measurement and control equipment, the main elements of which govern and control the following operating parameters:
Glass levels
Furnace pressure
Measurement of the Oxygen and CO2 in the furnace atmosphere (Optional)
Furnace camera
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