
Филтърни системи KAPPA планират и монтират индивидуално проектирани до ключ системи за екстракция и филтри |
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Manufacturer |
KAPPA филтърни системи планове и инсталира индивидуално проектирани "до ключ" добив и системи за филтър, доставки на високо качество на продуктите с високо ниво на иновации и ясни конкурентни предимства и предлага услуги за поддръжка. В тази връзка KAPPA предоставя върхова производителност и поема водеща позиция.
В основата на водеща позиция KAPPA са много години на ноу-хау в изграждането на системи за добив и филтър, развитието и прилагането на нови технологии се чувствате филтър, високите изисквания за качество и интензивна грижа за клиента.
| KAPPA Separator put efficiency and productivity on the table Laser, plasma and flame cutting become clean affairs with the KAPPA Separator concept.
The KAPPA Separator stands for
100 % smoke and dust extraction with each cutting process through patented extraction system,
integrated coarse dust and spark separation,
simple and rapid slag cleaning.
Detrimental effects on the health of employees and dirt accumulation on machines and buildings finally belong to the past.
The KAPPA Separator was developed for applications from heavy flame cutting to plasma microjet cutting and laser cutting.
| KAPPA Transflex - An intelligent concept with optimum flexibility at the workstation. Modern manufacturing methods are characterised by processes that are becoming increasingly independent of one defined location. In order to ensure effective seizure of emissions exactly where they occur, a flexible suction tube installation must fulfil top requirements. The Transflex suction channel developed by KAPPA complies with these requirements.
Its advantages are clear:
extremely smooth running.
absolutely tight - even at high travelling speeds.
several suction points can be connected to the system without any operational losses.
top flexibility - the system can suck off small up to very large air volumes.
modular design.
simple, quick and flexible installation.
virtually no maintenance efforts. | |