
REITER GmbH + Co. KG je lídrem v inovativních automatických elektrostatických lakovacích systémech v Evropě |
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1973 |
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Manufacturer |
 ROWINCO 2D – Affordable version of the fully automatic window painting with robots at the fensterbau in Nuremberg
ROWINCO 2D – Affordable version of the fully automatic window painting with robots at the fensterbau in Nuremberg
REITER GmbH + Co. KG Oberflächentechnik, Winnenden-Germany (booth 2-256, hall 5) presents at the fensterbau/frontale 2012 the latest development of the ROWINCO (Robotic Window Coating) system.
REITER GmbH + Co. KG Oberflächentechnik, Winnenden-Germany (booth 2-256, hall 5) presents at the fensterbau/frontale 2012 the latest development of the ROWINCO (Robotic Window Coating) system.
Low paint losses, highly uniform painting quality characterise the ROWINCO systems.
Basis of the installation is a fully automated window scanning system: the geometry of the work pieces are measured by a light curtain in two dimensions. Then special PC software generates automatically a suitable painting program. This painting program is then transferred to the painting robot. This “ROWINCO 2D” version is an affordable option of the “ROWINCO” concepts of Reiter to small or medium sized companies to paint automatically at a throughput of up to 30 complete standard window elements in eight hours.
The difference to the ROWINCO 3D system is the recording of the workpieces. Here, the geometry of the workpieces gets recorded over a 3D scanner in combination with laser cameras on either side. The special software then generates a suitable painting program within 1 to 3 minutes automatically and makes therefore a capacity of up to 120 complete windows or components possible.
On both installations the user is able to react quickly by saving the time and cost intensive robot programming to production of individuals items.
The line can be operated continuously with no need to stop for programming, thus achieving highest availability. The system can be integrated into existing lines as well.
Reiter offers the user the complete service package around the robot, such as feasibility studies and in-house tests, complete application systems incl. assembly, commissioning, training and programming.
For over 20 years Reiter has equipped the leading manufacturers of wooden window in Europe with the latest technology for the painting of windows and doors.
REITER GmbH + Co. KG Oberflächentechnik, Winnenden is one of Europe’s leading suppliers for innovative automatic electrostatic paint handling and application technology, with subsidiaries in Great Britain, Austria, Benelux, India and Brasil. Bespoke innovative painting systems, combined with local support of our customers in the automotive, automotive supplier, wood industry and general industry are our strength.
Pracujte chytřeji, vyberte si vybavení Reiter
REITER GmbH + Co. KG Oberflächentechnik, Winnenden, je předním poskytovatelem inovativních automatických elektrostatických lakovacích systémů a aplikací technologie v Evropě, s pobočkami ve Spojeném království, Rakousku, Beneluxu a Brazílii. Naší silou jsou na míru vytvořené systémy pro vysoké požadavky našich zákazníků z automobilového průmyslu, dodavatelů automobilů a obecně průmyslových sektorů.
| Painting Robots Malířské roboty; Aby vyhověly dnešním očekáváním týkajícím se reprodukovatelné kvality v kombinaci s nejvyšší efektivitou ve výrobě, stále více společností se obrací k robotům na malování.
| Reciprocator EHR 8300 Pohyblivý vozík, na který jsou upevněny stříkací pistole pomocí příslušných držáků, se pohybuje nahoru a dolů po vodicí dráze. Zatížení lze vyrovnat umístěním vhodného počtu závaží do vozíku s protizávažím. | |
ROWINCO – Scan automatic programming system for windows
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