
GRAF nabízí širokou škálu produktů pro hospodaření s vodou. Rozsáhlý sortiment zahrnuje vše od produktů pro zachytávání dešťové vody a řízení dešťových vod, přes skladování až po plně biologické čištění odpadních vod. |
pracownicy : |
220 |
rok založení : |
1974 |
yp obchodu : |
Manufacturer |
 Be smart and save – use rainwater
Be smart and save – use rainwater
The company Otto GRAF GmbH from Teningen, founded more than 45 years ago, offers rainwater harvesting systems for individual as well as industrial use, in many different sizes and designs.
The company Otto GRAF GmbH from Teningen, founded more than 45 years ago, offers rainwater harvesting systems for individual as well as industrial use, in many different sizes and designs.
As a result of increased water consumption in the last several years, water is becoming increasingly scarce. Even more significant, however, than the problem of quantity is the water quality. Due to more and more extensive contamination with harmful substances, phosphates, pesticides and other chemical substances, water treatment is becoming not merely more difficult, but also more expensive. Statistics document that only one person (in Germany) uses, on average, 150 litres of valuable drinking water each day. However, for approximately 50% of uses, drinking-water quality is not imperative, e.g. for flushing the toilet, operating the washing machine, irrigating gardens and parks, operating a car wash, etc. Especially for these purposes, the use of rainwater enables savings of approx. 75 litres per person and per day. In addition to cost savings, the use of rainwater involves additional advantages: • it is free of charge • it must not be pre-treated • it offers protection from calcification of the washing machine • it is an optimum medium for plants to absorb minerals, etc.
The collected rainwater is channelled through a preliminary filter (e.g., a Graf Optimax filter) into the rainwater reservoir. This can be installed underground, or also above ground. From there, the water is carried with the aid of a pump via separately laid mains to the user stations. Should a drought occur, drinking water is supplied to the mains via an automatic replenishment system. Although the filters typical to this market are equipped with fine strainer inserts, small dust particles do accumulate in the rainwater tank. These particles collect at the bottom of the tank to form a layer of sediment, and gradually convert to minerals. The sediment layer is absolutely significant to the water quality and should not be destroyed by re-suspension or too-frequent cleaning of the tanks. Therefore, the tank should only be cleaned every 10 to 15 years. Also, any concerns regarding the hygienic quality of the rainwater can be dispelled. In this regard, scientific studies have indicated that rainwater harvesting systems designed according to the latest insights warrant sufficient purification of the rainwater.
 Modular system covers manifold applications
Modular system covers manifold applications
The Graf brand has stood for innovations in plastic products for more than 45 years.
The Graf brand has stood for innovations in plastic products for more than 45 years. Graf is presenting the new Carat S wastewater tank to the public for the first time at the IFAT in Munich from 5th to 9th May 2008. “The wastewater tank is the next logical step in the Carat model range”, reports Graf Managing Director Otto P. Graf. The tank series, which is already successfully introduced for rainwater harvesting, now meet the necessary requirements equipped with a flexibly positioned baffle and CE certification.
With this new product, Graf is now also setting new standards in the wastewater sector with regard to quality and stability of plastic tanks. The Carat is produced using injection moulding – an unique production method worldwide for tanks of this size. This gives the components of the underground tank extraordinary fitting accuracy. Its construction with an encircling H-profile guarantees high stability: The Carat can be installed in groundwater up to the middle of the tank. Additionally, load-bearing capacity of up to 12 tons can be realised when combined with an appropriate tank cover. The tank is available in sizes 2,700, 3,750, 4,800 and 6,500 litres. Sets of two or more underground tanks are offered for larger storage volumes. Graf has already accessed the export markets with the export version of the underground tank, the Carat S. The Carat S tank is consisting of two stackable half-shells. This unique product design allows to ship up to 8 times more tank volume compared to a conventionally designed tank. Graf is offering a module system for wastewater around the Carat S, which means that tailor-made solutions can be put together for any application. In addition to the underground tank, the three components of cover, baffle and technical pack can be selected individually. Thus, different systems emerge, from the sealed collection tank, to multi-chamber tanks, up to fully biological treatment systems.
GRAF nabízí širokou škálu produktů pro hospodaření s vodou. Rozsáhlý sortiment zahrnuje vše od produktů pro zachytávání dešťové vody a řízení dešťových vod, přes skladování až po plně biologické čištění odpadních vod.
O nás
Společnost Otto Graf GmbH již 40 let nabízí vysoce kvalitní plastové výrobky. Společnost začala vyrábět plastové výrobky pro vinařství, jako jsou vinné sudy a sběrné koryta. Nicméně, kontinuální růst společnosti GRAF byl také výsledkem úspěšně prodávaných kompostérů a plastových kontejnerů pro průmysl. Graf poprvé vyvinul produkty pro zachytávání dešťové vody v roce 1974 - což byl tehdy průkopnický krok. Dnes tvoří většinu obratu produkty související s hospodařením s dešťovou vodou.
| Diamond drinking water reservoir Rezervoár na pitnou vodu Diamond, Nádoby vyrobené z robustního polyetylenu s dlouhou životností. Design vhodný pro potraviny s testovacím certifikátem podle doporučení KTW. Snadná přeprava, instalace a rychlé připojení díky nízké hmotnosti. Snadné čištění díky hladkým vnitřním povrchům nádrže. Bezpečnostní testování TÜV.
| Herkules percolation shaft Infiltrační šachta Herkules, Bezpečnostní testování TÜV. Produkt roku udělený Německou obchodní asociací pro zpracování plastů (FKVV). Nákladově efektivní díky dobrému poměru cena-výkon. Patentované rychlé spojení (pro montáž nejsou potřebné žádné šrouby). Trvalé utěsnění díky pevnému profilovému těsnění (životnost více než 25 let prokázána v laboratorních testech). Lze rozšířit podle potřeby. | |