
Skupina nabízí městským a průmyslovým zákazníkům bezpečná a udržitelná řešení likvidace odpadů. |
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 Premier launch
Premier launch
Along with its division Geocycle, the global building materials group Holcim has a network of sites in Europe in which waste utilisation is both economically and ecologically optimised
Along with its division Geocycle, the global building materials group Holcim has a network of sites in Europe in which waste utilisation is both economically and ecologically optimised. The group offers municipal and industrial customers safe and sustainable disposal solutions. It is active in areas including alternative fuels and raw materials (AFR) and industrial waste disposal. Thanks to the worldwide partnerships Geocycle offers international cooperation concepts to customers.
Representatives from Holcim and Southern Germany, who are also active in these areas, as well as ecorec (Eastern Europe) and Eurofuels from will be supporting the Holcim trade fair presence.
The Holcim group is absolutely committed to environmental protection in the manufacture of its cement products. It protects natural resources and has lowered CO2 emissions by using alternative raw materials and fuels in cement production. Geocycle is responsible for converting municipal and industrial waste into alternative raw materials and fuels in its energy-intensive cement works.
In the field of industrial disposal, Geocycle ensures the correct disposal of ash, slag and other mineral waste such as sludge or industrial sand. Here again the customer is offered a comprehensive service from collection, certification and transport up to the point of disposal.
At IFAT 2008 in Munich Geocycle introduces its intenational network to business partners and discusses also new innovative solutions. Geocycle looks forward to meeting you there.
Společnost nabízí městským a průmyslovým zákazníkům bezpečná a udržitelná řešení likvidace odpadů. Spolu se svou divizí Geocycle má globální skupina stavebních materiálů Holcim síť míst v Evropě, kde je využití odpadů ekonomicky i ekologicky optimalizováno. Skupina nabízí městským a průmyslovým zákazníkům bezpečná a udržitelná řešení likvidace odpadů. Je aktivní v oblastech včetně alternativních paliv a surovin (AFR) a likvidace průmyslového odpadu. Díky celosvětovým partnerstvím Geocycle nabízí zákazníkům mezinárodní koncepty spolupráce.