
Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Group (WMFTG) je světovým lídrem v oboru specializovaných peristaltických čerpadel a přidružených technologií cestování tekutin pro potravinářský, farmaceutický, chemický a environmentální průmysl. |
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 Watson-Marlow peristaltic pumps in breakthrough application
Watson-Marlow peristaltic pumps in breakthrough application
Originally the plant, near Falmouth in Cornwall, employed two conventional diaphragm pumps, however, suffering from blocking due to crystallisation, it was decided to investigate alternatives for the critical process of coagulant dosing.
Originally the plant, near Falmouth in Cornwall, employed two conventional diaphragm pumps, however, suffering from blocking due to crystallisation, it was decided to investigate alternatives for the critical process of coagulant dosing. Following discussion with Watson-Marlow, South West Water took two 520DuN/R2 peristaltic pumps on a trial basis. As peristaltic pumps have no valves, seals or glands, and the fluid only contacts the bore of the hose or tube, there is no risk of the pump contaminating the fluid or the fluid contaminating the pump.
“It was a brave trial from the point of view that we had not used large peristaltic technology for coagulant dosing before,” explains water treatment supervisor, Michael Galligan. “The only peristaltic pumps we had experienced were used for buffer applications on chlorine analysers. Clarification of raw reservoir water is obviously a highly critical part of the process, but we hoped peristaltic would be the answer.”
Sure enough the trial pumps performed without problem over the trial period and a 520DuN/R2 was subsequently purchased and installed into the treatment hall near Falmouth, one of 30 plants in the southwest region. As the process criticality is high, South West Water has a policy of acquiring a back up, hence two pumps were purchased, one for duty and one for standby. Each day South West Water supplies more than 100 million gallons of water to approximately 1.5 million residents, so there is no margin for error or failure.
Within the treatment hall, raw reservoir water is processed through dual stream dissolved air flotation tanks and coagulant (polyaluminium chloride solution) is applied at the front end. The coagulant is applied by utilising a Watson-Marlow 520DuN peristaltic pump, which doses coagulant between 100-1500ml/min through half inch clear braided hose into the first stage of the purification process via a flow meter.
The pump doses at variable rates that are driven by the raw water conditions and the process is monitored continuously so that the optimum amount of coagulant is applied. For instance, in springtime, algae levels in the raw reservoir water are higher due to increasing sunlight levels and the coagulant requires adjusting accordingly, which is where the variable dosing capability of the 520DuN is invaluable.
Generating a flow rate of between 4µl and 3.5 litre/min, the new 520DuN pumps have a set speed accuracy of 0.1% and can be calibrated by weight or volume for accurate metering. The pumps provide user feedback via a display and have dual analogue input to control and scale speed. For the first time, the 520 series provides industry with a ‘drop-in’ alternative for diaphragm or piston pumps with variable stroke control.
“Since installation the pump has proved faultless,” concludes Galligan. “In fact as a result of this project, our in-house technical standards officer, who is responsible for reviewing technology suitable for company use, has now added peristaltic pumps to the list. The pump is a good, solid product and we are very pleased with its performance.”
 Bredel Announces Newly Expanded APEX
Bredel Announces Newly Expanded APEX
Seal-less, valve-less design of two new hose pump models lowers total cost of ownership
More reliable than air-operated diaphragm pumps and progressive cavity pumps in chemical or abrasive applications
Newly expanded flow range to 6,200 litres/hour at 8 bar
Seal-less, valve-less design of two new hose pump models lowers total cost of ownership More reliable than air-operated diaphragm pumps and progressive cavity pumps in chemical or abrasive applications Newly expanded flow range to 6,200 litres/hour at 8 bar
Bredel Hose Pumps (part of Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Group) has added two new models to its APEX range of seal-less, valve-less hose pumps. , ideal for chemically aggressive or abrasive applications. Widening the APEX performance envelope to 6,200 liters/hour at pressures of up to 8 bar, the APEX28 and APEX35 design offers significant capital and operations savings, lowering the total cost of ownership. They are also more reliable than air-operated diaphragm pumps and progressive cavity pumps for these challenging applications.
Recent international product trials in process-critical abrasive slurry transfer operations demonstrated that the new APEX models can dramatically extend the time between scheduled maintenance intervals compared with air-operated diaphragm pumps and progressive cavity pumps.
U.S. trials showed significant reductions in abrasive wear compared to previous pumps. While the user’s existing air-operated diaphragm pumps require maintenance every 7 or 10 days, the APEX35 ran continuously for more than three months without maintenance. Additionally, there was no requirement for compressed air, which equated to another significant saving. A brine dosing application in Germany showed that during the first six months of the trial, the APEX35 required no maintenance whatsoever and the operator made huge savings over the downtime previously experienced each month with a progressive cavity pump.
In addition to the financial benefits associated with reduced maintenance, APEX pumps have been engineered to deliver additional cost savings through increased uptime and process continuity. Precision machined hose elements and optimized hose compression, combined with medium pressure operation, enable the pumps to meter or transfer fluids reliably and accurately for long, uninterrupted periods of time.
Project payback periods for APEX are expected to be extremely short, since the only wear part is the hose, which can be replaced quickly and easily, without removing it from the process line. With no internal valves, Bredel APEX hose pump technology also helps users improve their processes by eliminating troublesome ancillary equipment such as anti-siphon valves, back-pressure valves, degassing valves or run-dry protection. In addition, customers can simplify spares inventory, since the hose is the only part that needs to be kept in stock.
Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Group (WMFTG) je světovým lídrem v oboru specializovaných peristaltických čerpadel a přidružených technologií cestování tekutin pro potravinářský, farmaceutický, chemický a environmentální průmysl. Skupina zahrnuje osm etablovaných značek, každá se svou vlastní oblastí expertízy, ale dohromady nabízejí našim zákazníkům nepřekonatelná řešení pro jejich aplikace čerpání a přenosu tekutin.
Watson-Marlow Pumps: peristaltická hadicová čerpadla pro farmaceutický průmysl a průmysl Watson-Marlow Tubing: přesná hadicová vedení pro čerpání a další účely, v různých materiálech Bredel: těžká hadicová čerpadla Alitea: unikátní peristaltická řešení pro zákazníky OEM Flexicon: aseptické plnicí a uzavírací systémy MasoSine: jemná sinusoidální čerpadla pro potravinářský, chemický a kosmetický průmysl BioPure: pokročilé systémy konektorů pro jednorázové hadice Asepco: vysoce čisté ventily a magnetické mixéry
Zákazníci požadují od svého procesního vybavení mnoho věcí a hlavním zájmem je zachování integrity produktu. Společnosti, které dodávají čerpadla s pozitivním posunem, jako je Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Group (WMFTG), musí dodávat produkty, které splňují řadu požadavků včetně: hodnoty za peníze; nízkých nákladů na vlastnictví; spolehlivosti; snadné údržby; a ověřeného servisu po prodeji.
Pracujeme úzce se svými zákazníky, abychom demonstrovali, jak naše čerpadla s pozitivním posunem zajišťují přesné dávkování, přenos a plnění a mohou přinést významné účinnosti procesu během životnosti zařízení.
WMFTG je zcela ve vlastnictví společnosti Spirax-Sarco Engineering plc (LSE: SPX), globální organizace zaměstnávající přibližně 5 000 lidí po celém světě. Skupina Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Group zahrnuje osm etablovaných značek, každá se svou vlastní oblastí expertízy, ale dohromady nabízejí našim zákazníkům nepřekonatelná řešení pro jejich aplikace čerpání a přenosu tekutin.
| 620 SERIES PROCESS PUMPS První čerpadla na světě s údržbou za jednu minutu
| Bredel Pumps Watson-Marlow Bredel Pumps | |