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1985 |
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Manufacturer |
 News Tools of a new generation
News Tools of a new generation
The new multiple lip step tools of WOLF offer you the best economic possibilities as well as the best productivity. Their main characteristic is, that these tools can be regrinded many times without loosing their precision.
The new multiple lip step tools of WOLF offer you the best economic possibilities as well as the best productivity. Their main characteristic is, that these tools can be regrinded many times without loosing their precision.
Reducing the costs of your processes The solid carbide multiple lip step tools manufactured by WOLF. With the development of special solid carbide multiple lip step tools WOLF had managed to take an important step in order to reduce the direct tool costs in these sectors significantly.
Initial situation in case of our customers So far, our customers had used solid carbide tools of the standard version ? with a first long and a second short step. Because of the second short step, you could regrind the tools only 3 times. The groundbreaking attempt of the WOLF tool technology GmbH is the development of solid carbide multiple lip step tools that can be used as high performance step tools.
Cost saving Our new tool can be regrinded up to 12 times! The tool can be used with the same cutting parameters as standard tools and the quality of this multiple lip step tool remains constantly the same for the complete life ?cycle of the tool. The number of possible usages of this multiple lip step tool lies about 400% of that of the previous standard tools. But the costs regarding the manufacturing of the tools are only 20‑30% higher than the previous standard tools.
Coating An additional increase results from the combination of the multiple lip step tool with the recently developed PVD-hard material layer TINALOX SN. By using this new layer on the multiple lip step tool, we are able to achieve much better cutting parameters.
Tool geometry Many suppliers offer solid carbide special step tools. The distinctive feature of this solid carbide multiple lip step tool lies in the design of the flute geometry of the first step. It is not straight, as in case of the standard multiple lip step tools, it has the curved geometry of high performance step drilling tools. This gives us the possibility to combine the advantages of a high performance step drill (cutting values and feed) with those of a multiple lip step tool (regrindable many times). This is the most important advantage n case of tools with a short second step, because all other common tools can not be used after 2 or 3 regrindings because of their short round chamfer.
Application The use of this solid carbide multiple lip step tool takes mainly place in case of hardened steels. The measures are within the standard dimension of length and diameter. Because of this, also longer dimensions are possible.
Development The know-how of the WOLF tool technology GmbH helps to use this method also in case of reaming work. Even here, you can see the advantages of the WOLF solid carbide multiple lip step tool.
The „Wolf Gruppe“ (Wolf group) that was born out of the tool building sector, consits of 4 sub – companies that complete each other in an ideal way, and that give the resulting synergies as a benefit to all i`ts customers.
Because of this hand in hand of the single sectors, we are able to find solutions to complete chains of processes, without problems in communication, from the idea to the finisched tool...
Blanking and punching dies CAM software Carbide-tipped tools centre drills Coating services (services for the workshop) Coatings (materials) Consultants Countersinks and core drills Cutting tools, coated End millers Fine boring tools Forging dies Hard metal inserts Injection moulding tools for thermoplastics Maintenance of tools / Tool sharpening Metal coatings Metal cutting tools; other Milling cutters and mills and gear shaper cutters, disc type Moulds for extrusion coating Multi-colour injection moulding tools Multi-component injection moulding tools Operating systems Punches and dies Reamers Slot millers Software for capacity and production date scheduling Software for industrial purchasing management Software for machine data acquisition Software for managing manufacturing systems Software for production data acquisition Software for production planning and control Software for stock and materials management Software for storage and conveyor systems Spade drills Step drills Tool management software Twist drills Vibratory and fluidic grinding services WOLF Gruppe
| Mold and tool construction Dnes bychom chtěli představit nejnovější pobočka naší společnosti k vám, formy a nářadí Wolf stavebnictví. Splnit naše vlastní s vysokými nároky, jako je systém vysvoboditele, přidali jsme plíseň Wolf a nástroje stavebnictví do naší skupiny Wolf. Hlavním zaměřením naší sekci nástroje budova je výroba plastových lití nástrojů, stejně jako formování a děrování nástrojů. speciální úkol naší společnosti je výroba prototypů, které jsou blízké k výrobě ve velmi krátkém čase. Dále jsme se ideálně vybavené k výrobě dutin pro klikové hřídele pro osobní automobily a nákladní automobily. |
| WOLF coating technology LLC V našem centru povlak, to je nesmírně důležité pro nás, nabídnout našim zákazníkům individuální konzultace, jakož i příslušné podpory našich zákazníků. V těsné spolupráci-spolupráce s našimi zákazníky, budeme rozvíjet a modifikovat naše vrstvy, pro konkrétní potřeby našich zákazníků. Cílem všech našich snah je individuální povlakování nástrojů a vysoce přesných dílů, která je zvláště vybaven pro potřeby zákazníka. | |