
Inovativní výhoda. |
rok založení : |
1975 |
yp obchodu : |
Manufacturer |
 Food-grade mass customization with ACOPOStrak
Food-grade mass customization with ACOPOStrak
B&R presents revolutionary product transport and IIoT solutions at Anuga FoodTec 2018
B&R presents revolutionary product transport and IIoT solutions at Anuga FoodTec 2018
At this year's Anuga FoodTec exhibition from March 20-23 in Cologne, visitors to Booth A38 B39 in Hall 7.1 will experience a revolution in product transport for adaptive manufacturing. Offering unmatched dimensions of flexibility and usability, ACOPOStrak redefines production economics and equipment effectiveness. Its food-grade design and high-speed diverters make ACOPOStrak the ultimate transport solution for profitable food and beverage production down to batches of one.
Edge computing for the Industrial IoT
B&R's is driving the digital transformation with flexible edge architectures featuring powerful APROL solutions. B&R Edge Controllers implement analytics and business intelligence at the source of the data and provide seamless connectivity from the sensor to the cloud, with transparent access at all operational levels. Well-informed plant operators are able to make targeted adjustments with a direct impact on performance metrics. Enabling operational excellence
Visitors to the B&R booth will discover the benefits of intuitive, web-enabled operation and direct web connectivity down to the sensor. B&R's dedication to open standards like POWERLINK, openSAFETY, OPC UA and PackML enables seamless communication and perfectly orchestrated performance across multi-vendor lines. Pick up a copy of B&R's Packaging 4.0 white paper to read about how the future of packaging could come with unprecedented levels of overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), reduced total cost of ownership (TCO) and total productive maintenance (TPM).
Mezinárodní společnost založená na vizi
Zakladatelé společnosti Erwin Bernecker a Josef Rainer projevili průkopnického ducha a ambice dosáhnout něčeho velkého pro průmysl automatizace, což stále definuje cíle společnosti i dnes. Toto přesvědčení vedlo k založení první mezinárodní pobočky již v roce 1983. Podnikatelský duch a jasná vize pro budoucnost umožnily B&R vyrost v mezinárodní společnost během čtvrt století. B&R se stala průmyslovým lídrem v inovacích a technologii díky jemné intuici pro vývoj trhu a trendy, stejně jako silné touze nabídnout high-tech řešení, která prospívají zákazníkovi.
B&R bude i nadále růst v nadcházejících letech a ještě více posílí svou vedoucí pozici na mezinárodním trhu.
| Automation PC 800 Nejnovější PC architektura v AC810, ve spojení s výkonnými procesory Core™2 Duo, zajišťuje optimální provoz automatizačních a vizualizačních systémů s nejvyššími nároky. |
| Panel PC 300 Panel PC 300 rozšiřuje Automation Panel 900 o vestavěné PC. Vložený panel PC obsahuje kompletní PC design, založený na procesoru o frekvenci 500 MHz. | |
The woodworking and wood processing industry experienced radical changes in recent years. Developments in new and emerging markets, changing customer requirements, increased awareness of the environment, pressure to reduce costs, safe working conditions during production and increased efficiency demands for energy and raw materials are forcing this conservative market to face new challenges and develop new solutions.
Meeting all of these demands requires innovative, flexible and highly automated woodworking and wood processing machinery that can take advantage of advanced motion, control, robotics, safety, hydraulics and IT networking technology. Integrated and intelligent safety solutions are also provided as well as reliable service.
Increase your productivity and efficiency. On these pages, B&R presents a broad spectrum of technologies and products for this industry.