
2023-06-12 00:00:00
Taiwan's economic and technological prowess has gained significant recognition in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), leading to the formation of new alliances and partnerships. Referred to as the "Dumpling Alliance," Taiwan and four CEE countries - Poland, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia - have forged strong ties and become a vanguard alliance within Europe, with increasing interactions and collaborations with Taiwan.
The "Dumpling Alliance" holds significant political goodwill among the Taiwanese population and elites, particularly after Lithuania, Poland, Czechia, and Slovakia generously donated COVID-19 vaccines to Taiwan. This act of solidarity has further solidified the alliance and garnered recognition both within and outside Taiwan.
According to the Centre for East Asian Studies (CEIAS) EU-Taiwan Tracker, cooperation between the EU and Taiwan has witnessed a sevenfold increase, with CEE countries driving nearly 60 percent of all interactions in 2022. Lithuania and Slovakia have demonstrated greater engagement with Taiwan compared to major EU member states.
The CEIAS report emphasizes the value of Taiwan's expertise in semiconductor manufacturing and renewable energy for Poland's economic growth. Furthermore, Poland can potentially support Taiwan's participation in international organizations, such as the World Health Organization, highlighting the mutual benefits of the partnership.
Despite Taiwan's limited diplomatic recognition as a sovereign state, experts recognize the vast opportunities for collaboration and growth that Taiwan offers, making it an attractive partner for Poland and other countries seeking to enhance their economic and technological capabilities.
Taiwan and Poland, for instance, signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in science and technology in 2020, fostering joint research projects, and facilitating exchanges of experts and scholars. Although the Taiwan-Poland relationship may not receive as much publicity as other international partnerships, it has been steadily growing and holds great potential.
As Taiwan's economy continues to thrive, and its global influence expands, more countries are likely to seek closer ties with the island nation. The increasing engagement of CEE countries with Taiwan underscores the value of Taiwan's contributions to the region and beyond, overcoming diplomatic obstacles.
The "Dumpling Alliance" has not only become an affectionate term but a powerful force driving economic opportunities and diplomatic cooperation in Europe.