
2024-12-27 00:00:00
Eesti Gaas, the largest private energy company in the Baltic-Finnish region and a subsidiary of the investment company Infortar, has signed an agreement to acquire EWE Group's energy business in Poland. This strategic move includes the acquisition of EWE Polska, Poland's second-largest privately-owned network operator, which manages a 2,316-kilometer natural gas distribution network in western Poland and serves over 25,000 customers with natural gas and electricity. The transaction, valued at €120 million, is part of Eesti Gaas's strategy to expand beyond the Baltic-Finnish region into Central and Western Europe. Ain Hanschmidt, Chairman of the Council of Eesti Gaas, stated, "The acquisition of an energy company in Poland provides us with the necessary momentum in this large and important growing gas market, while also ensuring an additional steady cash flow for the company’s shareholders." The completion of the transaction is subject to approval from the Polish Competition Authority and the EWE AG Supervisory Board. This acquisition aligns with Eesti Gaas's ambition to implement its proven model and experience as a gas supplier and network operator in Poland, thereby delivering enhanced services to consumers.