Wood processing machines of the highest quality.
Worldwide leading machinery manufacturer of panel saw and sander lines, panel handling and packaging machines for plywood equipment, OSB, moulded doorskin, LVL, and cement fiberboard equipment.
A global market leader in the plywood and LVL production technologies.
ITALPRESSE is today the largest Italian manufacturer of presses for the woodworking industry and among the first in the world, both in sales volume and the number of presses delivered.
Machine- and Plant- Manufacturer of Press Systems for upgrading of wood based panels.
Angelo Cremona S.p.A. offers a complete range of machines and devices for wood working.
Höfer Presstechnik - Competence in presses and saws
OMECO is a pioneer and leader in the manufacture and commerce of equipment for the plywood industry, working world wide.
USNR manufactures complete wood processing facilities for sawmills, planermills, OSB, LVL, plywood, veneer and other engineered wood plants.