Chemie a zařízení pro ultrazvukové čištění a čištění odpadních vod. 30 let zkušeností s procesy čištění s vysokou přesností. |
Year established : |
1977 |
Business : |
Manufacturer |
Chemistry and equipment for ultrasonic cleaning and waste water treatment. 45+ years of experience in high precision cleaning processes. NGL was created in 1979.
In 1985, it was the first company in the world to launch a process for cleaning in an aqueous medium, which incorporated hot-air drying and replaced chlorinated solvents. Since then, the company has flourished, currently totalling 26 members of staff and manufacturing and commercializing 900 tons of specialized products. By pursuing environmental protection through ongoing research into ecological products whilst focusing on developing high-performance formulations, adapted to specific requirements, NGL aims to maintain its position as leader in the field of cleaning and wastewater treatment. Pioneering equipment in the laboratory and highly-skilled team-players in the departments concerned are the key to fulfilling current steps and reaching new milestones and also provide the opportunity to explore innovational technologies and, as such, to plan for tomorrow.