H&T ProduktionsTechnologie GmbH has over 70 years of experience in developing and manufacturing of metal forming dies, machines and sheet metal forming equipment. |
Employees : |
40+ |
Year established : |
1952 |
Business : |
Manufacturer |
H&T ProduktionsTechnologie GmbH has over 70 years of experience in developing and manufacturing of metal forming dies, machines and sheet metal forming equipment.
Our company is a member of the Heitkamp & Thumann Group, a consortium of internationally active medium-sized metal and plastic processing companies.
Our product range includes not only a press series completely based on servo technology, but also high-speed mechanical transfer presses, CNC transfer systems, CNC swivel cutting tools, and metal bellow machines.
| Metal Bellow Machines Metal bellows are used for the most diverse applications in the manufacturing of compensators, oscillating decouplers, seal and coupling elements.
Metal Bellows are manufactured by means of different technologies, dependent on size, form and required cycle time.
| MultiServoPress §
the idea,
§ Revolutionary press drive that combines the advantages
of mechanical and hydraulical drive principles in an excellent way.
the result,
§ high basic system rigidity
| Press refurbishment After many years of experience in the operation of transfer presses by US-Baird and Platarg, H&T ProduktionsTechnologie has specialised in maintenance and refurbishment of presses from these manufacturers. |
| Transfer Presses The mass production of small, close tolerance drawn components requires high-precision manufacturing machines and short production times.
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Metal Bellow Machines
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