Manufacturer of laser marking systems and wholesaler of laser welding systems including stand-alone laser systems, special machines and laser system integration solutions. |
Employees : |
20-49 |
Year established : |
1994 |
Business : |
Manufacturer |
For your marking tasks we offer you individual and innovative system solutions.
Vision Lasertechnik solutions adapted to the customer-specific production conditions will assist you in increasing the productivity, independent on the industrial branch. Our systems will decrease your costs and time of marking when considered on the service life cycle.
Laser systems will increase your product productivity thanks to the fast, durable and flexible marking what makes your products more attractive for the customer.
The Vision Lasertechnik product spectrum covers all the applications from stand-alone laser systems, laser systems as special machines, laser system integration solutions in manufacturing and assembling lines and as OEM solutions to servicing and maintenance contracts.
| CO2 cutting system as an integration solution Two laser scanner units were mounted on frame construction units under a tangential arrangement to the circular-indexing table of an angle of 105° to each other. 8 clamping units, which position two mobile phone displays each connected by a runner, are mounted on the circular-indexing table of a 600 mm diameter. |
| TL 1220 - CS (Conveying System) Different workpieces of lot size 1 will be automatically fed to the laser system through a conveying belt that, in addition to more peripheral units, was integrated to master the marking task . A diode-pumped solid-state laser of an average power of 20 watts was selected for the existing marking task. | |
Special machines equipped with laser marking
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