RAS Reinhardt Maschinenbau is one of the world's leading manufacturers of sheet metal processing machines. |
Employees : |
240 |
Year established : |
1939 |
Business : |
Manufacturer |
RAS Reinhardt Maschinenbau is one of the world's leading manufacturers of sheet metal processing machines. The wide range of folding machines covers all areas of application: sheet thickness, working length, UpDown technology, automation, automatic part programming, and much more. In addition, RAS offers a wide range of machines for the roof and wall area and air duct manufacturing. Powerful swing-cut guillotine shears for customer segments complete the product range.
| Cutting POWERcut
Part Rotator
| Forming Swaging 11.15, 11.35
Swaging 12.35
Swaging 12.65
Flanging 21.20
Seam Closing
Rounding 40 and 41
Swaging Wheel
| |
RAS Production Program
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