AMBA boltmakers and other cold forming machines are found in the fastener industry worldwide |
Year established : |
1908 |
Business : |
Manufacturer |
The company Aachener Maschinenbau (AMBA) was founded in Aachen in 1908. About 50 years ago AMBA started manufacturing machines for production of spokes and nipples for bicycles and motorbikes. Based on these products the first AMBA boltmaker was developed.
Today AMBA boltmakers and other cold forming machines are found in the fastener industry worldwide. Main advantage of AMBA boltmakers is their modular set-up which combines heading and threading in one machine including the possibility of two different threads on the blank. A full-size AMBA BM 12 for example includes cutting, heading, extruding, pointing and threading for screws and bolt up to ½" in diameter and 60" in length. A high-speed AMBA 68 for screws size ¼" x 10" is capable to produce up to 230 ppm.
The first flat die thread roller worldwide to produce full threaded screws up to 600 mm (24") in length was developed in 2005. This machine can be equipped with dies up to 12" in length. Currently AMBA is projecting a new generation of flat die thread roller with dies up to 24" in length.
In 2007 AMBA started production of tools and machines for tube bending as a new product line, taken over from another manufacturer.
After the first 100 years of cold forming history AMBA will soon move from the heart of Aachen to an industrial estate nearby to improve logistics, increase the working space for their employees and get a scope for further development.
Innovation, tradition, quality, customer orientation – these are the target values fort he German mechanical engineering company AMBA. Well-known companies of the fastener industry as well as bicycle and motorbike manufactures are part of our clientele. This is something we are proud of.
| WIRE PROCESSING Machines BoltMaker
Flat-Die Thread-Roller
Straightening Machines
References |
| BENDING TOOLS Hydraulic Tube Benders and Hand Benders |
| BoltMaker Our BoltMaker combines two-step heading, reducing, pointing and thread-rolling as completely automatic high-speed applications in one machine, independent of the length of the products, without any additional handling – a major advantage against any combination of separate units. |
| Hydraulic Tube Benders For bending of gas-pipes, water-pipes, tubes for gasoline-stations and boiler-tubes we supply hydraulic tube benders consisting of frame, counter-brackets and hydraulic pump.
Alternatively the benders are supplied with an open or hinged frame. |
| Spoke Machines Spoke machines are the origin of today’s BoltMaker for screws and bolts. The spoke machines of the fi rst generation were built some 50 years ago. The current generation, the 5th generation of this group of machines, called SpM II includes our feeding System WFS with a cutting tolerance of ± 0,05 mm (± .002"). |
| Straightening Machines Machines for the straightening of long bolts and screws after heat treatment have been part of our production programme for many years. These machines are designed to straighten the screws and bolts in the thread-free shank area only. | |