We are one of the leading players of the international professional tool market. We design tools for a broad range of technical applications in various industry segments, mainly used in AOEM, auto repair and detailing, woodworking, marine and general industrial markets. |
Year established : |
1947 |
Business : |
Manufacturer |
 RUPES our Central and Eastern European dealers and distributors
RUPES our Central and Eastern European dealers and distributors
Find our Central and Eastern European dealers and distributors for high quality professional tools & equipment.
RUPES is a family owned and operated Italian Company, founded in 1947 in Milan. Since its inception, RUPES commitment to product innovation and quality manufacturing has defined the company as a worldwide benchmark manufacturer of professional electric and pneumatic tools, accessory items and vacuum systems. Find our Central and Eastern European dealers and distributors for high quality professional tools & equipment, in CEE they are; - Albania MILLOCOLOR SH.P.K. Bosnia and Herzegovina; EUROPA AUTO D.O.O., EUROSPEKTAR D.O.O., Geo Spektar d.o.o. Bulgaria; CARSYSTEM BG LTD, CARSYSTEM PROFESSIONAL LTD, Detailing Bulgaria, SENAX Ltd. Croatia; NEZIC D.O.O., ZAGREB COLORS d.o.o. Czech Republic; BUCAN S.R.O.,LKQ CZ Estonia;PAINTLINES OU, VÄRVIFOORUM OU, VARVISPETS OU Hungary; CAR-COLOR KFT Lithuania; GLOMERA JSC, Obamas UAB, UAB “SVYDIS LIETUVA” Latvia; RADEX-EUROPE LTD, RAGS, SIA “SVYDIS LATVIJA” Poland; ACO-TEC ADAM LITNER,A.LITNER SP.J., APP SP. Z.O.O., ARS COLOR GLOWINSKI KRZYSZTOF, ARS COLOR sp. Z.o.o., AUTOKOLOR-UKLEJA SPLKA Z OGRANICZONA ODPOWIEDZIALNOSCIA SP.K, MOBILNE MYJNIE PAROWE GRZEGORZ TLALKA, NTS SP. Z.O.O., STS Berg SP. Z.O.O., WI-BA LAK SP. Z.O.O. Romania; S.C. ROMSERVICE S.R.L. Serbia; COLORFACTORY BALKAN d.o.o., EHOM Slovakia; ECOSERVIS S.R.O., JL SPOL. S.R.O.,SETEC S.R.O., Slovenia; SELEKTO d.o.o. Ukraine; CARDETAILLAB, EUROPROEKT UKRAINE, LLC Top Lac Ukraine, SOTRO Ukraine, TOB “SVYDIS UKRAINE”
RUPES S.p.A. is a family owned and operated company, founded in Milan, Italy, in 1947.
Our history is composed of achievements, challenges, ideas, and international successes. The constant commitment to research and development, aimed at constantly improving the performance of each product, is one of the fundamental aspects that during our 70 years of history have contributed to affirm RUPES as one of the major successful brands in the field of professional tools. The focus on designing and manufacturing products that are in total compliance with health and safety regulations, offering enhanced worker comfort, and providing innovative solutions are at the core of each new idea.
With four production sites and a well-established sales network, RUPES is always close to customers and provides them with products that anticipate and respond quickly to the market needs. The brand has complete coverage of all the main international markets, bringing its systems all over the world thanks to a distribution network consisting of two direct branches and numerous authorized dealers.
| Pneumatic triple action polisher Rupes pneumatic triple action polisher is offering a new type of movement known as TRIPLE ACTION. The power of a motor can be expressed as the product of the torque multiplied by the velocity. During normal use of a tool, the operator applies a variable load, which by effect of the friction forces and the work carried out by the motor might be such as to reduce the number of revolutions of the motor and, in the case of a DA random orbital, is such as to reduce the number of disc revolutions to zero. |
| Random orbital mini sander The HSR73 Random Orbital Mini Sander with iBrid Technology is ideal for the sanding of wood, composite, plaster and other surfaces in virtually any industry, including the car body shop. This Mini Sander features a Ø 125 mm rounded multihole backing pad for maximum vacuum efficiency. The random orbital movement provides a more energy efficient solution, increased performance, a finer finish and time saving, compared to traditional sanders. | |