HEIDENHAIN develops and manufactures linear encoders • angular encoders • rotary encoders • digital readouts • and numerical controls. |
Employees : |
6000 |
Year established : |
1948 |
Business : |
Manufacturer |
HEIDENHAIN develops and manufactures linear encoders, angular encoders, rotary encoders, digital readouts, and numerical controls. HEIDENHAIN delivers its products to manufacturers of machine tools and manufacturers of automated facilities and machines, especially for semiconductor and electronics manufacturing.
A continuous drive to provide technically superior products in combination with reliability, closeness to the customer, and a practice-oriented frame of mind form the basis of HEIDENHAIN's efforts. Our competence in the area of linear and angular metrology is reflected by a large number of customized solutions for users. These include in particular the measuring and inspection devices developed and built for many of the world's standards laboratories as well as angle encoders for various telescope projects and satellite receiving antennas. Naturally the standard products also profit from these experiences.
HEIDENHAIN has always sought a dialog with science and research on the one hand and with users and customers on the other. Today, HEIDENHAIN is represented in 49 countries in most of them with wholly owned subsidiaries. Sales engineers and service technicians support the user on-site with technical information and servicing in the local language.
| Encoders Rotary encoders |
| Gauges Length gauges |
| Measuring systems Length measuring systems |
| Position indicators Position indicators | |
HEIDENHAIN-Motors - Information for the Machine Tool Builder
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