
Folyamatos gáz- és elektromos kemencék a hő- és kémiai-hő fémfeldolgozáshoz. |
alapítás éve : |
1936 |
vállalkozási forma : |
Manufacturer |
 New Joint Venture in India – „Aichelin Unitherm Heat Treatment Systems India Pvt. Ltd.”
New Joint Venture in India – „Aichelin Unitherm Heat Treatment Systems India Pvt. Ltd.”
With the beginning of March 2010 our new established Joint Venture started its operative activities on the Indian market.
With the beginning of March 2010 our new established Joint Venture started its operative activities on the Indian market. Here, our competent and reliable partner is the Indian plant manufacturer Unitherm Engineers Ltd..
Unitherm Engineers Ltd. became market leader in the sector of Heat Treatment – especially with Chamber Furnaces - on the Indian market in the last years. Besides, the current product portfolio of Unitherm Engineers Ltd. contains Pit Furnaces, Rotary Hearth Furnaces and Plants for the treatment of aluminium.
Our new headquarter is in Mumbai (Bombay). The production site is settled in Pune.
Our Joint Venture now combines the Heat Treatment know how of the following companies:
Unitherm, well known as manufacturer of Industrial plants for the Automotive and Aluminium Industry. Aichelin, leading international supplier of Thermo process plants for the Automotive and Gear industry, Fastening Industry, Bearing Industry, and the Wind Energy sector. SAFED (subsidiary of Aichelin), an experienced manufacturer of Cast link belt furnaces for precision parts, mainly used in the Bearing, Automotive and Fastening Industry.
We will provide our Indian customers:
a broad spectrum of “State-of-the Art” Heat Treatment plants of the companies Unitherm, Aichelin and SAFED, excellent competence and experience with heat treatment processes, which we are able to assure due to continuous development and innovation, a national network for consulting, engineering, sales and service, an international network of the Aichelin Group
A SAFED-et 1936-ban alapították Delémontban, Svájcban, és kezdetektől fogva a hangsúly a tömegesen gyártott vas- és nemvasfém alkatrészek hőkezelési berendezéseinek fejlesztésén és gyártásán volt, széleskörű iparágak számára.
| Hardening and carburising Megkeményítés és cementálás, Hálószalagos futószalagos kemence T típusú.
| Heat Treatment Hőkezelés, Amikor egy SAFED hőkezelő üzemet vásárol, egyben megbízható partnert is választ - a tapasztalatok, know-how, a folytonosság és a korszerű megoldások miatt. | |