
A Wärtsilä globális vezető a teljes életciklusra szóló energiaellátási megoldásokban a tengeri és energetikai piacok számára. |
alkalmazottak : |
17000 |
alapítás éve : |
1834 |
vállalkozási forma : |
Manufacturer and distributor |
 Wärtsilä launches new operationally and environmentally efficient face seal for oil-lubricated vessels
Wärtsilä launches new operationally and environmentally efficient face seal for oil-lubricated vessels
In addition to alleviating the risk of operational oil leakages and related non-compliances, this innovative solution withstands extreme conditions, safeguards against fishing lines and other debris, and lessens the likelihood of bonding failure.
The technology group Wärtsilä announces the launch of Wärtsilä Dualguard – a brand new sealing solution for oil-lubricated vessels. In addition to alleviating the risk of operational oil leakages and related non-compliances, this innovative solution withstands extreme conditions, safeguards against fishing lines and other debris, and lessens the likelihood of bonding failure.
“We have worked in close cooperation with our customers throughout the design process to ensure Wärtsilä Dualguard fully meets their needs,” says Benjamin Tornberg, OEM & Environmental Solutions Manager, Seals & Bearings, Wärtsilä Marine.
“This unique seal is a culmination of innovative design and over 100 years’ experience. Its independently managed void space takes away the oil-to-sea interface for systems running on Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EAL) or mineral oil, essentially making it pollution free, and is the perfect choice for thruster manufacturers who still prefer oil over water. Crucially, Wärtsilä Dualguard exemplifies our commitment to environmentally sustainable shipping.”
Along with its abilities in maintaining operational and environmental efficiency, Wärtsilä Dualguard is flexible in design, and simplifies maintenance processes by allowing for in-situ servicing.
It is supplemented by an auxiliary system designed to prevent both oil pollution into the sea and contamination of the bearing lubricant, in accordance with Vessel General Permit (VGP) stipulations.
This product launch is consistent with the company’s Smart Marine approach to creating greater efficiencies and enhancing environmental performance for its customers.
Wärtsilä offers a comprehensive range of seal and bearing systems, packages, and products for both oil and water lubricated shaft lines. The company’s advanced seal technologies reduce operational and environmental risks, while improving reliability and resistance against damage caused by impurities or debris in the water.
 Wärtsilä simulators deliver advanced training to Bulgarian maritime students
Wärtsilä simulators deliver advanced training to Bulgarian maritime students
The technology group Wärtsilä will supply two additional mini-bridge simulators to the Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (NVNA), located in Varna, Bulgaria.
The technology group Wärtsilä will supply two additional mini-bridge simulators to the Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (NVNA), located in Varna, Bulgaria. The academy already operates a number of Wärtsilä simulators, developed and supplied by Transas. The order was placed in Q2 2019.
The state-of-the-art solution includes the hardware and software for two Wärtsilä NTPro bridge simulators. The scope also includes extending the functionality of an existing engine room simulator in order to upgrade it to meet the latest standards. When completed, the installation and upgrading of the simulators will provide a high level of advanced training for the academy’s students. By simulating actual operating conditions onboard ship, the students will be better prepared for their future at sea.
“Safety and efficiency at sea are key pillars in Wärtsilä’s Smart Marine approach. By providing the opportunity for maritime students to attain realistic, hands-on training with the latest navigational systems we are endorsing our commitment to this approach. We design our systems in close collaboration with training institutions around the world to provide the most comprehensive, flexible, and customised solutions possible,” says Shalbuz Talibov, Senior Commercial Project Manager at Wärtsilä.
The installation of this Wärtsilä training solution is timed to coincide with the start of the new academic year 2019/2020. NVNA is the oldest technical educational institution in Bulgaria. Today NVNA is a national institution for tertiary education, training and research in the field of national security and defense, maritime business and maritime technologies. The order with Wärtsilä was negotiated through Innovative Maritime Solutions Ltd who represent Wärtsilä locally.
A Wärtsilä globális vezető a teljes életciklusra szóló energiaellátási megoldásokban a tengeri és energetikai piacok számára. A technológiai innovációra és a teljes hatékonyságra való hangsúlyozással a Wärtsilä maximalizálja az ügyfelei hajóinak és erőműveinek környezeti és gazdasági teljesítményét.
2014-ben a Wärtsilä nettó árbevétele 4,779 milliárd euró volt, körülbelül 17 700 alkalmazottal. A cég több mint 200 helyszínen működik közel 70 országban világszerte. A Wärtsilä a Helsinkiben található Nasdaq tőzsdén van jegyezve, Finnországban.
Wärtsilä is a global leader in complete lifecycle power solutions for the marine and energy markets. View our presentation
| Biomassza hőerőmű A Wärtsilä Biopower gyártja és szállítja a biomasszával működtetett erőműveket és fűtőműveket. Jelenleg több mint 100 BioGrate üzem működik Európában, Kanadában és Oroszországban.
| Fűtőolaj hőerőmű Olajerőműveink 1-től 300 MW-ig terjednek. Magas hatékonyságuk, alacsony kibocsátásuk és bizonyított hosszú távú megbízhatóságuk miatt ezek az erőművek alkalmasak álló és lebegő alapterheléshez, valamint tartalék alkalmazásokhoz. Világszerte több mint 28 GW-nyi folyékony üzemanyaggal működő erőművet szállítottunk. | |