
A Renishaw egy globális, nagy pontosságú mérő- és egészségügyi technológiai csoport. |
alapítás éve : |
1973 |
vállalkozási forma : |
Manufacturer |
 Renishaw to exhibit at SPE Offshore Europe 2015
Renishaw to exhibit at SPE Offshore Europe 2015
Renishaw, the global metrology specialist and expert in precision manufacturing will be exhibiting its range of advanced engineering technologies at the SPE Offshore Exhibition in Aberdeen, UK, from 8 to 11 September 2015 on stand 4B158.
Renishaw, the global metrology specialist and expert in precision manufacturing will be exhibiting its range of advanced engineering technologies at the SPE Offshore Exhibition in Aberdeen, UK, from 8 to 11 September 2015 on stand 4B158.
For visitors to stand 4B158, Renishaw is able to offer customers both hardware and software to allow for full traceability in their manufacturing process, from pre-process machine calibration through to process setting and in-process control, right through to post-process monitoring.
Renishaw will be showcasing a range of metrology and additive manufacturing products including a full range of machine tool probes. In addition, Renishaw will be showcasing the Equator™ gauging system, a lightweight, fast and highly accurate versatile gauge that operators can use with ‘push-button' simplicity.
As the only UK manufacturer of a metal-based additive manufacturing machine – the AM250 - Renishaw will be showing a range of fully dense, complex parts that have been built using its pioneering process. The laser melting technology involves fusing the metal powder using a high powered yterrbium fibre laser. The AM250 is capable of producing parts from metal powders including tool steel, aluminium, titanium and inconel.
Also appearing at the show will be the Renishaw XR20-W rotary axis calibration system, which works with the market-leading XL-80 laser interferometer system to allow the measurement of rotary axis positional accuracy to within 1 arc second. Totally wireless operation and modular mounting systems ensure suitability for a wide range of machine types and sizes.
Renishaw will also be demonstrating its Fanbeam® laser-based dynamic positioning (DP) position reference system which has led the market for over 20 years due to its durability, high-performance in tough conditions, and ease of use. The accuracy, reliability and value offered by Fanbeam means that it has been used on a wide range of projects, from bridge construction and windfarm installation through to platform supply, and as a sole, primary or secondary reference position system for vessels. About Renishaw
Renishaw is one of the world's leading engineering and scientific technology companies, with expertise in precision measurement and healthcare. The company supplies products and services used in applications as diverse as jet engine and wind turbine manufacture, through to dentistry and brain surgery. It is also a world leader in the field of additive manufacturing (also referred to as 3D printing), where it is the only UK business that designs and makes industrial machines which ‘print' parts from metal powder.
The Renishaw Group currently has more than 70 offices in 33 countries, with over 4,000 employees, of which 2,600 people are employed within the UK. The majority of the company's R&D and manufacturing is carried out in the UK and for the year ended June 2015 Renishaw achieved sales of £494.7 million of which 95% was due to exports. The company's largest markets are the USA, China, Germany and Japan.
A Renishaw egy globális, nagy pontosságú mérő- és egészségügyi technológiai csoport.
Megtervezzük, kifejlesztjük és szállítjuk azokat a megoldásokat és rendszereket, amelyek páratlan pontosságot, ellenőrzést és megbízhatóságot biztosítanak.
Ezenkívül világvezetők vagyunk az additív gyártás terén (amelyet fém 3D nyomtatásként is említenek), ahol ipari gépeket tervezünk és gyártunk, amelyek 'nyomtatnak' alkatrészeket fém porból. A közlekedéstől a mezőgazdaságig, az elektronikától az egészségügyig, áttörő technológiánk átalakítja a termék teljesítményét.
77 irodánk van 36 országban, világszerte több mint 5,000 alkalmazottal. Az Egyesült Királyságban több mint 3,000 ember dolgozik, ahol a kutatás-fejlesztés és a gyártás nagy részét végezzük.
In metrology, motion control, machine calibration, dental CAD/CAM and spectroscopy, Renishaw innovations enhance precision, efficiency and quality.
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