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Manufacturer |
 Daikin’s Heat Pump Factory in Ksawerów: A Landmark Project
Daikin’s Heat Pump Factory in Ksawerów: A Landmark Project
One of the most significant investments in the Łódź Voivodeship is the new heat pump factory by Daikin, a leading Japanese technology company.
One of the most significant investments in the Łódź Voivodeship is the new heat pump factory by Daikin, a leading Japanese technology company. Valued at approximately €300 million, the plant in Ksawerów, near Łódź, is set to become one of the most advanced production facilities in Central and Eastern Europe and Daikin’s first factory in Poland.
Impact on Employment: The factory is expected to create 3,000 new jobs by 2030, significantly boosting the local economy and employment market.
Focus on Sustainability: The production of heat pumps aligns with growing European demand for green heating solutions and supports EU initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
 New heat pump factory to be built in Poland
New heat pump factory to be built in Poland
Leading Japanese manufacturer of heat pumps and air-conditioning systems is building a factory in Lodz Poland to produce heat pumps.
Leading Japanese manufacturer of heat pumps and air-conditioning systems is building a factory in Lodz Poland to produce heat pumps. Total construction cost of building the new heat pump factory in Poland will be one billion zloty or about 240 million euros.
Demand for heat pumps is expected to soar in Poland and across the EU with the european union targeting 60 million heat pumps to be installed by 2030.
Daikin Central Europe este o filială 100% a Daikin Europe NV, Belgia, cu sediul în sudul Vienei, Austria. Piețele sale pot fi găsite în regiunea numită Europa Centrală. Cu birouri locale în Republica Cehă, Ungaria, România, Slovacia și de anul acesta și în Croația. Daikin Central Europe oferă combinația ideală de suport local și internațional partenerilor și clienților săi, pentru a ține pasul cu cererea în creștere pentru produse de înaltă calitate și servicii de clasă întâi.
| Agregat skraplający Wszystkie modele posiadają certyfikat zbiorników ciśnieniowych PED Półhermetyczny jednośrubowy kompresor Daikin z bezstopniową regulacją Optymalizowany do stosowania z czynnikiem R-407C Zaawansowany kontroler DDC pCO² Zakres standardowej pracy do -15°C temperatury otoczenia Wysokiej jakości komponenty traktowane antykorozyjnie w standardzie Standardowa ochrona przed odwróceniem fazy.
| EWAQ-ACV3 (mini-chiller) Chiller inwerterowy Optymalizowany do stosowania z czynnikiem R-410A Kompresor wahadłowy Daikin Zintegrowana hydronika Nie jest potrzebny buforowy zbiornik zaawansowane możliwości kontroli Precyzyjna kontrola temperatury Zasilanie jednofazowe.
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