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 Delos brings comfort into the bathroom
Delos brings comfort into the bathroom
In recent years, the bathroom has become increasingly important as a living area.
In recent years, the bathroom has become increasingly important as a living area. As a trendsetter, Duravit is now setting new standards in this field: the Delos range of bathroom furniture features a reduced design but introduces a particularly comfortable atmosphere and new lightness into the bathroom. The apparently floating console by EOOS has no visible supports and breezes elegantly into the room. This is possible thanks to an invisible wall fitting that enables the straight-lined design by EOOS to be showcased to full effect.
Furniture that blends with its surroundings Whether bathroom, guest bathroom or cloakroom, Delos blends perfectly with its surroundings. This visual impression is due partly to the mirror, which is also fully reflective on the sides. As in all Duravit mirrors, a sensor light switch is integrated discreetly at the side. EOOS describes this all-round mirror as the “transition from materiality to magic”. The innovative, delicate light canopy that effectively conceals the individual light sources also contributes to this concept. However, thanks to its new technology, the indirect, non-glare LED light ensures optimum illumination of the face. Thanks to the greater efficiency and long service life of LED lights, Duravit not only meets the highest design requirements but it also makes an important contribution to sustainability. A shelf made of extra-white glass - without the usual green edge - adds the finishing touch to the magical character of this new furniture programme.
Three attractive surfaces available Dark walnut generates a feeling of pleasant comfort.
Delos is available in two real-wood finishes and in a fresh high-gloss white. The real-wood veneers in particular highlight the comfortable character of the bathroom furniture. With an innovative, brushed haptic finish, the surfaces bring the natural properties of the wood to the fore and generate a feeling of pleasant comfort. Choose from dark walnut or light oak.
Elegant and stylish and with the same reduced lines as the console, the tall cabinets, semi-high cabinets and drawer units complete the range. The cabinet doors do not have handles. They protrude a little over the edge to facilitate opening. The lightness of the Delos range also permeates to the interior of the cabinets: robust glass shelves, which are only enclosed in an aluminium profile at the front and back edge, offer ample storage space. They are held in position by a special support system that, in combination with the diamond-black interior, is almost invisible. Delos drawers can be opened and closed with a little gentle pressure. A new, intelligent interior organiser system in walnut or maple offers a particularly tidy solution for the interior. Towel holders can be attached to any side of the console. On the one hand, they add volume to the outer edge of the contour and, on the other hand, they act as an expressive, sculptural finish at an optimum, ergonomic height.
The Delos range of furniture is the perfect complement to Duravit's successful models from the Darling New, D-Code and Vero ceramic ranges. However, many other console basins by Duravit also harmonise beautifully with Delos.
Aproape 200 de ani de istorie a băilor. Totul începe în anul 1817, când George Friedrich Horn înființează o fabrică de ceramică de uz casnic în Hornberg, în Pădurea Neagră. În 1842, fabricarea veselăi de masă este extinsă pentru a include și produsele sanitare. Micuța fabrică de ceramică de uz casnic a devenit între timp o organizație globală care astăzi produce ceramică sanitară, mobilier de baie, cazi și produse spa pentru băi de vis realizate de Duravit, precum și produse pentru sectoarele public și semi-public. Astăzi, compania angajează peste 3000 de angajați Duravit în opt locații de producție și în peste 60 de țări din întreaga lume, care transformă ideea de "Băi de locuit" în realitate palpabilă.
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