
Kässbohrer Geländefahrzeug AG jest wiodącym dostawcą pojazdów terenowych dla środowiska, przyrody i rekreacji. |
Rok założenia : |
1969 |
Rodzaj działalności : |
Manufacturer |
 Plastics on the beach
Plastics on the beach
15 November 2019
15 November 2019
We are facing a trash crisis. Not only in the seas.
For decades, nature has been wantonly treated like a garbage dump. Every year, between four and thirteen million tons of plastics wind up in the oceans, depending on the estimate. The vast majority of it is microplastics, which is plastic material that has already fragmented into smaller particles that at some point will end up either on the ocean floor or on beaches. Once the garbage is in the ocean, it’s there to stay. Plastics have a lifetime of up to 1,000 years!
In addition to a significant health hazard to people and animals, plastics cause serious economic damage to beach communities, tourism, seafaring and fishing. The cleaning of ports, coasts and beaches costs many millions of euros, year after year. The cleaning of beaches must be financed locally by the affected municipalities.
For years, attempts have been made to counteract the pollution of the oceans with garbage through the implementation of various national and international agreements and programs of action for the protection of the maritime environment. All over the world, beach communities and environmental organizations hold “Coastal Cleanup Days” on a regular basis, wherein a large number of volunteers manually clean beaches of refuse while creating awareness of the threat.
 BeachTech – at home on the beaches around the world
BeachTech – at home on the beaches around the world
Our models
BeachTech 3000 - power and performance
For big beaches with large amounts of trash to be collected, the BeachTech 3000 is unrivalled: a working width of 2.50 m and an enormous loading volume of 4.7 m³ which - even with a very large operating range - limit the number of trips to the unloading station, saving valuable resources. Working width of 2.50 meters. Performance capacity up to 30,000 square meters per hour. Optimal cleaning with a 2-belt system for raking and screening. Loading volume of 4.7 m³ for limited trips to unload debris. A finisher for optimal aerating and structuring of the beach.
BeachTech 2000 - agile and handy
Great efficiency for a rather small machine: with a working width of 1.800 mm, the BeachTech 2000 cleans up to 20.000 square meters per hour of dry sand and 8.500 square meters per hour of wet sand. The extraordinarily high sieving quality results from the very long screening belt. It is extremely manoeuvrable for passing through narrow access roads or tight spots on the beach. The collected litter can be discharged directly into the back of a dump truck or onto a trailer (height for unloading hopper: 2.60 m).
BeachTech 2800 - high-tech beach cleaning
The BeachTech 2800 combines the area efficiency of the BeachTech 3000 with the maneuverability of the smaller BeachTech 2000, making the BeachTech 2800 the most efficient, high-tech beach cleaner at its price point. As for economics, the BeachTech 2800 is a "best-in-class" performer. The combination of a large working width, high hopper capacity, smaller dimensions and a lower weight not only provides for excellent area efficiency but also allows for a lower fuel consumption of the tractor that pulls the BeachTech 2800.
BeachTech Marina - all in one
Tractor and beach cleaner combined in one machine. For those who don’t or won’t have an extra tractor. It was especially designed for small and medium-sized beaches with hard-to reach corners. Extremely maneuverable thanks the hydrostatic all-wheel-drive and articulated front and rear wheel steering. With the optional front hitch for non beach cleaning equipment, you can turn the BeachTech Marina into a true year round machine to be used for sweeping walkways and parking lots, mowing grass or clearing away the snow in the winter time.
BeachTech Sweepy hydro - a little miracle
Tiny but swift and thorough: the BeachTech Sweepy hydro is the efficient and economic completion of our fleet of beach cleaners. Its size and maneuverability make the BeachTech Sweepy hydro the ideal machine to clean and level out small beaches, especially between rows of deck chairs as well as volleyball courts, children's sandboxes and other sandy areas
Kässbohrer Geländefahrzeug AG jest wiodącym dostawcą pojazdów terenowych dla środowiska, przyrody i rekreacji. Obecna oferta produktów obejmuje cztery modele PistenBully do przygotowania stoków narciarskich i tras biegowych, maszyny BeachTech do czyszczenia plaż oraz różne pojazdy specjalne do pracy i operacji transportowych przez cały rok w zazwyczaj niedostępnym terenie. Z udziałem w rynku ponad 60% PistenBully jest liderem w przygotowaniu stoków narciarskich i tras biegowych.
Nawet obszar biznesowy BeachTech awansował na pierwsze miejsce na światowym rynku. Z bazą klientów zdecydowanie zlokalizowaną w obszarze rekreacji i turystyki, Kässbohrer Geländefahrzeug AG ma wszelkie możliwości czerpania korzyści z korzystnych rozwojów w sektorze wzrostu turystyki.
| BeachTech Marina Wszystko w jednym BeachTech Marina to traktor i oczyszczacz plaży w jednym. Został specjalnie zaprojektowany dla małych i średnich plaż z trudno dostępnymi zakątkami, ciasnymi zakrętami i potrzebą czyszczenia między rzędami leżaków i parasoli.
| BeachTech Sweepy Mały cud Mały, ale dokładny, kompletny i kompaktowy, BeachTech Sweepy to efektywne i ekonomiczne dopełnienie naszej floty oczyszczaczy plaż. Rozmiar i zwrotność BeachTech Sweepy czynią go idealną maszyną do wyrównywania i czyszczenia małych plaż, między rzędami leżaków, piaskownic dla dzieci, boisk do siatkówki plażowej, piaskowych pułapek na polach golfowych, a także innych piaszczystych obszarów.
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