
Fortaco jest wiodącym niezależnym strategicznym partnerem dla przemysłu ciężkiego off-highway i morskiego, oferującym technologię, kabiny pojazdów, konstrukcje stalowe i zespoły. |
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Manufacturer |
 Fortaco Group to Create 200 Jobs with New Factory in Knurów, Poland
Fortaco Group to Create 200 Jobs with New Factory in Knurów, Poland
Fortaco Group, a leading Finnish manufacturer of steel components, is set to open a new factory in Knurów, Poland, with support from the Katowice Special Economic Zone. This new facility will be Fortaco's third location in Poland, joining existing factories in Wrocław and Janów Lubelski.
Fortaco Group, a leading Finnish manufacturer of steel components, is set to open a new factory in Knurów, Poland, with support from the Katowice Special Economic Zone. This new facility will be Fortaco's third location in Poland, joining existing factories in Wrocław and Janów Lubelski.
Expanding Operations in Poland
The new Knurów factory, spanning approximately 34,000 square meters, is a significant expansion for Fortaco Group. This state-of-the-art plant will enhance the company's capacity to produce high-quality steel components for heavy industry and marine applications, specializing in zero-emission solutions, vehicle modules and cabins, and various steel products.
Job Creation and Recruitment
To support the operations at this new facility, Fortaco Group plans to hire up to 200 new employees. Recruitment efforts are already underway, offering a range of opportunities in manufacturing and related fields. This expansion underscores Fortaco's commitment to growth and investment in the region.
Fortaco Group's Global Presence
Headquartered in Wroclaw, Poland, Fortaco Group operates manufacturing and technology facilities across Europe and Asia. The company is renowned for its innovative solutions and high-quality products, serving a diverse range of industries with a focus on sustainability and zero-emission technologies.
Strategic Support from Katowice Special Economic Zone
The establishment of the new factory in Knurów is supported by the Katowice Special Economic Zone, which provides favorable conditions for investment and development. This partnership highlights the strategic importance of the region for Fortaco Group's ongoing expansion and operational efficiency.
About Fortaco Group
Fortaco Group is a premier supplier of steel components, vehicle modules, and cabins for heavy industry and marine sectors. With a strong emphasis on sustainable and zero-emission solutions, Fortaco continues to innovate and expand its global footprint.
Fortaco jest wiodącym niezależnym strategicznym partnerem dla przemysłu ciężkiego off-highway i morskiego, oferującym technologię, kabiny pojazdów, konstrukcje stalowe i zespoły.
Grupa Fortaco prowadzi działalność w wielu europejskich i azjatyckich lokalizacjach biznesowych i centrach technologicznych, wspierających naszych globalnych klientów.
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