
GROUP Scm este lider mondial în industria de maşini pentru prelucrarea lemnului si a sistemelor şi produce cea mai cuprinzătoare gamă de utilaje: de la masini standard pentru companiile artizan de până la linii de integrate pentru producţia industrială de mobilier, uşi şi ferestre |
angajaţi : |
3800 |
Tip afacere : |
Manufacturer |
 SCM Announces the Launch of SCM Adria Subsidiary in Slovenia
SCM Announces the Launch of SCM Adria Subsidiary in Slovenia
SCM, a leading provider of machinery, systems, and services for the woodworking industry, is excited to announce the launch of its new subsidiary, SCM Adria, in Slovenia.
SCM, a leading provider of machinery, systems, and services for the woodworking industry, is excited to announce the launch of its new subsidiary, SCM Adria, in Slovenia. The grand opening will take place from September 24th to 28th, 2024, marking an important milestone in SCM’s expansion strategy.
About SCM
SCM has a strong commitment to the woodworking industry, with three major production centers in Italy. The company prides itself on implementing advanced lean management and operational excellence principles to deliver top-quality, fast-performing machinery to its customers.
The company's production plants are open for guided tours, providing insights into their production processes. SCM's Technology Centres worldwide welcome customers to view machinery, participate in demonstrations, and review feasibility studies and performance tests.
Upcoming Events
SCM is also looking forward to participating in the IWF Atlanta 2024, held at the Georgia World Congress Center from August 6 to 9. SCM will be present at Booth #6953, showcasing their latest innovations.
What to Expect from SCM
Digital Services and Software
At IWF 2024, SCM will showcase its latest Industry 4.0 innovations within the Maestro Digital Systems suite. Visitors will interact with the Maestro Software systems, designed to integrate human and machine interaction. These systems offer industry-leading innovations to optimize employee skills and time.
SCM's advancements in Digital Services will demonstrate the benefits of a connected plant. The Control Room will analyze machine diagnostics in real-time to generate proactive maintenance requests. With the Maestro Connect platform, users can monitor machine status, schedule maintenance tasks, analyze performance data, and make service requests from anywhere in the world using a smartphone or browser.
Machines on Display at IWF
- Olimpic k 560
- Stefani kd
- Stefani md
- Easy cart
- Sergiani 3d form
- Cut c 200
- Action tf
- DMC mb 90
- DMC system t
- DMC sd 90
- OMAL HBD 1300 1H
- Gabbiani g 2
- Flexstore elr
- Startech cn k
- Startech cn v
- Class s 630 – class s 520
- Nova f 520 – nova f 410
- ME 40
- ME 25
- Minimax cu 410es
- Ergon nt
- Morbidelli cx110
- Accord 600
Join us at the IWF Atlanta to explore our innovations and learn how SCM can support your business with cutting-edge woodworking technology and solutions.
 SCM Launches New Subsidiary in Slovenia, Strengthening Market Presence in the Balkans
SCM Launches New Subsidiary in Slovenia, Strengthening Market Presence in the Balkans
SCM is extending its global footprint with significant investments in key international markets. The latest development is the inauguration of a new SCM branch in Trzin, close to Ljubljana, Slovenia, scheduled for January 2024.
SCM Expands International Presence with New Subsidiary in Slovenia
SCM is extending its global footprint with significant investments in key international markets. The latest development is the inauguration of a new SCM branch in Trzin, close to Ljubljana, Slovenia, scheduled for January 2024.
This new establishment is designed to cater specifically to the Slovenian and Serbian markets, respecting their unique local characteristics and identities. Additionally, the subsidiary aims to enhance support to existing dealers in Croatia and Bosnia, reinforcing SCM's presence in the region.
As SCM's inaugural venture into the Balkans, this subsidiary is set to be a regional model. The wood-furnishing sector in this area has been witnessing a positive growth trajectory for years, with businesses increasingly adopting advanced technologies.
The new facility will feature a 1,500 square meter exclusive Technology Centre, showcasing a broad array of SCM's latest innovations. The center will align closely with the production needs of the regional market, offering advanced machinery and services.
SCM's new team, comprising highly skilled technicians and sales engineers, will bring expertise in various aspects of secondary wood processing. This includes services for small joinery workshops, large furniture manufacturers, and the burgeoning windows, doors, and timber construction sectors.
Direct interaction with SCM’s team will offer clients an in-depth look at a comprehensive selection of technologies and software, representing a broad spectrum of wood processing solutions available globally.
The subsidiary also brings substantial benefits in customer care. Clients will receive more timely after-sales support, including technical maintenance, spare parts management, and access to a range of digital services through SCM's IoT platform, Maestro connect. This platform enables more efficient, proactive, and predictive assistance.
Lorenzo Trolese, SCM Country Manager for the Balkans area, emphasizes the all-encompassing commercial and technical partnership benefits for local industries. “With our new branch, we're bringing comprehensive support, consultancy, and training to optimize production processes. This marks a significant quality leap for the market, ensuring more efficient and direct services, from pre-sales to post-sales,” says Trolese. The team is set to expand further in the coming months with additional sales and service resources.
 Accord 25FX in operation in a special Czech company
Accord 25FX in operation in a special Czech company
An unusual sale of a high level CNC machine SCM Accord 25FX in the Czech Republic.
An unusual sale of a high level CNC machine SCM Accord 25FX in the Czech Republic. A small joinery workshop owned by Mr. Jiri Kroupa tackled a challenge to invest in a high level CNC machine which is mostly considered by medium-large scale manufacturers. A small joinery means in this case basically just 1 person - usually the owner - and occasionally another person . They are typical custom made joinery processing both for panel and solid wood. End products are kitchens, office furniture, wardrobes, stairs, doors, windows, etc. For many years, Mr. Kroupa was thinking about further developing his production and more and more was convinced to proceed in purchasing CNC technology. Similar joineries nearby mostly invested in basic CNC machines as they were afraid to make a bigger step. Mr. Kroupa has participated in many Scm Group exhibitions both local and also abroad including the 2015 Open House Days in Rimini. These events gave him enough knowledges to appreciate that real competitive advantage can be reached only by investing in top level technology. When the new Accord 25FX has been presented in February 2015, it met perfectly Mr Kroupa's expectations and definitely persuaded him to launch the investment. Accord 25FX has a 5 axis technology (Prisma KT) and a unique fully automatic working table (MATIC) offering vast flexibility and productivity in batch 1, which is so needed in custom made production. Also high workpiece capacity (250 mm) and small ground floor dimensions are highly appreciated in small joineries. Any doubts and worries related to the programming are answered by MAESTRO SW which turns the control of the machine into entertainment.
 Tiki Design chooses Scm Group
Tiki Design chooses Scm Group
chooses Scm Group woodworking machinery for their brand-new joinery workshop
Tiki Design from Pristina, Kosovo, chooses Scm Group woodworking machinery for their brand-new joinery workshop.
 SCM & Grimme confirm plastics machinery agreement
SCM & Grimme confirm plastics machinery agreement
SCM Group and HG Grimme signed an agreement by which SCM acquires 51 percent of HG.
SCM Group and HG Grimme signed an agreement by which SCM acquires 51 percent of HG.
SCM Group is a multinational Italian-based company active in design, construction and distribution of machines and industrial equipment while HG Grimme is a Germany-based specialist in systems for machining plastic and composite materials.
With SCM already present with the CMS brand, the partnership is expected to strengthen global leadership in the production of technological solutions for processing plastic and composite materials and ensure important synergies, while at the same time preserving the respective technological and geographic specificities of both companies.
The Grimme family will remain at the helm of the company's management and will be supported by the management of SCM Group.
 From Moscow new generations of woodworking technology specialists
From Moscow new generations of woodworking technology specialists
SCM Russia inaugurated its new showroom in Moscow during the first open-house held in that territory, when the renewed partnership between SCM and the Moscow State Forest University (a department of the Bauman MOSCOW STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY) was announced as well.
In early October, SCM Russia inaugurated its new showroom in Moscow during the first open-house held in that territory, when the renewed partnership between SCM and the Moscow State Forest University (a department of the Bauman MOSCOW STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY) was announced as well. SCM's collaboration with the top-ranking Russian woodworking school has been active since 2010 and has been based on the exchange of technical knowledge and on technological training that takes place at the SCM Training Centre, inside the showroom.
"SCM has always been committed to training young generations of woodworking technicians and professionals. Our constant focus on technological innovation is demonstrated also by the growing number of professionals who work in this field. Advanced technologies require specialised knowledge that must constantly be updated. This is the mission of the Training Centre that SCM Russia has operated for years in collaboration with the Moscow University," explains Boris Chernyshev, SCM Russia Branch Manager.
Training is part of the SCM Group "DNA". Indeed, SCM was founded by workers and technicians of the Aureli and Gemmani families who had the courage and the will to become "entrepreneurs of their own business" and have always wanted to pass on their credo to later generations. Thanks to this conviction, SCM Group succeeded in becoming a world leading producer of machinery for processing wood and other materials as well as of industrial components.
The fact that SCM Group is strongly associated with training is demonstrated in various areas, both in Italy and around the world – including for example its collaboration with the Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences, the Woodworking Technology Centre (CTL) in Val Poschiavo, and the Polytechnic University of Turin.
- Maşini de filetat exterior şi interior
- Maşini de filetat exterior şi interior; altele
- Maşini de filetat piuliţe
- Dornuri portfreză
- Dispozitive de frezat
- Dispozitive, accesorii, axuri pentru filetat cu tarozi
- Dispozitive de filetat
- Portcuţite
- Sisteme de scule, modulare
- Sisteme de portcuţite, modulare
- Portcuţite
- Sisteme de prelucrare; altele
- Echipamente hardware pentru frezat de sus
- Celule de fabricaţie
- Maşini de tăiat cepuri pentru cepuri drepte
- Maşini de profilare/încleiere cu un singur capăt pentru părţi din buştean solid
- Maşini de profilare/încleiere cu un singur capăt pentru panouri
- Maşini de profilare/încleiere cu două capete pentru părţi din buştean solid
- Maşini de profilare/încleiere cu două capete pentrupanouri
- Utilaje pentru alezarea, frezarea şi introducerea echipamentelor hardware, etc.
- Utilaje de alezat CNC
- Utilaje pentru introducerea echipamentelor hardware
- Utilaj de alezat pentru găuri de lemn
- Utilaje de alezat fante
- Maşini de mortezat cu acţiune orbitală a sculei
- Maşini de mortezat cu lanţ
- Maşini de mortezat
- Maşini de mortezat, opţional pentru lanţ sau daltă
- Centre de prelucrare pentru tăiere, decupare, profilare, alezare, sablare
- Centre de prelucrare pentru decupare, tăiere, alezare, introducerea de echipamente hardware şi a diblurilor, etc.
- Maşini şi echipamente pentru construcţia cu lemn stratificat lipit
- Maşini şi echipamente pentru construcţia scărilor
- Maşini şi echipamente pentru fabricarea mobilierului pentru suporturi (scaune, mese, etc.)
- Maşini de grosime
- Maşini de răzuit
- Maşină de îndreptat suprafeţe
- Maşini de îndreptat / ferăstrău mecanic
- Maşini combinate de îndreptat / sablat
- Maşini de îndreptat suprafeţele în unghi a canturilor pentru netezirea suprafeţelor frontale şi îmbinarea într-o singură operaţie
- Maşini de grosime cu două părţi pentru netezirea suprafeţelor frontale şi îngroşarea într-o singură operaţie
- Maşini de îndreptat cu trei şi patru părţi
- Maşini de format pentru prelucrare pe trei sau patru părţi
- Utilaje pentru frezarea suprafeţelor frontale pentru prelucrarea pe o faţă sau pe mai multe feţe
- Maşini de format cu un singur ax
- Utilaje de îmbinare în dinţi
- Maşini de frezat pe spate
- Rindele de adâncime CNC
- Maşini de format pentru copiere
- Maşini de format (şi sablare) CNC cu două părţi pentru piese profilate
- Utilaje pentru scobire în vederea copierii
- Maşini de format tije
- Rectificatoare de şlefuire
- Maşini de format tije rotunde
- Maşini spiralate pentru formare
- Maşini de format în unghi
- Maşini de format montanţi
- Maşini de format dungi decorative
- Maşini de format îmbinări cu eclise
- Maşini de format pentru aplicaţii speciale
- Maşini de canelare pentru scări şi jaluzele
- Maşini de rabotat automate pentru copiere
- Maşină de format cu angrenaje conice
- Maşini de frezat pentru lemn
- Maşini de alezat
- Maşini de găurit multiax pentru prelucrarea lemnului
- Maşini de frezat prin copiere
- Maşini de frezat pe spate
- Maşini de fasonare, circuite de formare cu arbore
GROUP SCM este lider mondial în industria de maşini pentru prelucrarea lemnului si a sistemelor şi produce cea mai cuprinzătoare gamă de utilaje: de la masini standard pentru companiile artizan de până la linii de integrate pentru producţia industrială de mobilier, usi si ferestre. Prin intermediul companiilor dedicate, Grupul, de asemenea, funcţionează în plastic, piatra, sticla si metal industriilor de prelucrare utilaje. CSM Group este deţinută de două familii, Aureli şi Gemmani, care au fost de partajare de management pentru trei generaţii. Compania are 3.800 de oameni, care le-a instalaţiile de 27 de producţie în Italia şi controlează întregul proces de producţie garantând astfel calitatea înaltă a produsului finit. Este 70% din exporturile sale de producţie şi dispune de 26 de filiale în principalele pieţe internaţionale; de asemenea, este prezent în 120 de ţări printr-o reţea capilară de dealeri, cifra sa de afaceri este de aproximativ 700 de milioane de euro, cu o poziţie extrem de pozitiv financiare. De la înfiinţarea sa Grupului CSM a produs şi a vândut peste 2 milioane de masini in intreaga lume. Clientul nostru, Clienţii Grupului CSM de a opera în mobilier, ferestre si usi, parchet, scari, nautice şi industria aeronautică, precum şi în sectorul de tamplarie artizan. CERCETAREA GROUP CSM investeşte 6% din venitul său anual de vânzări în domeniul cercetării. Ea are un departament dedicat, CSR, de cercetare şi dezvoltare Consorţiul furnizarea de servicii calificaţi, de cercetare aplicată, de certificare a produselor, precum şi de siguranţă şi de protecţie a drepturilor de brevet. Centrul obtinut rezultate excelente în domeniul siguranţei (component fiabilitate, ergonomie), concentrându-se o atenţie deosebită asupra reducerii maşini-poluare legate de mediu (de emisie de praf, zgomot, vibraţii). Toate investiţiile în cercetare, procurate la Grupul de certificare a 314 de brevete şi câştigătoare a premiului de design Premio Leonardo Da Vinci 2008. Pentru a confirma angajamentul Grupului de CSM în curs de desfăşurare în domeniul cercetării, noul centru de DMC High Tech va fi de deschidere de la Thiene (Vicenza). Acest laborator va proiecta şi produce soluţii inovatoare pe maşinile cu slefuire flexibile pentru lemn şi metal. EXPOZITII şi deschis CASE SCM Grupa ia parte la toate expozitiile de conducere la nivel mondial, în valoare totală de peste 60 de spectacole pe an. Companiile sale în mod regulat deschis unităţi de producţie a lor de a clienţilor pe excursii ghidate din liniile de fabricaţie. Circa 20 de evenimente Open House si 40 de tururi tech sunt organizate în fiecare an. Sediul central din Rimini, bun venit peste 1000 de vizitatori anual. PREGĂTIRE De peste 30 de ani, CSM Group a fost activ în formarea profesională şi acordurile de cooperare de succes au fost stabilite cu Facultatea de Inginerie a Universitatii Bologna, Institutul de lemn din British Columbia University din Vancouver si Institutul de Tehnologie din Georgia, din Atlanta. RESPONSABILITATE SOCIALA În cadrul activităţilor sale de Responsabilitate Socială, un program de solidaritate a adus la deschiderea de centre de formare în ţările în curs de dezvoltare, cu scopul de a ajuta oamenii locale de tineri pentru a crea o carieră pentru care Grupul CSM a fost distins cu Sodalitas Social Award 2008
| Automatic horizontal panel saw Sigma Prima panou automate orizontale, ferăstrău principal de proiecţie lama: 50 mm / 67 mm (1,97 "/ 2,64") Max. Viteza de văzut transport: 6-60 m / min. (ft / min 197.) Max. Viteza de împingere: 36 m / min. (ft / min. 118) |
| Brush Handling machines "Feeder" Bridge-stacker
Cu simplă sau dublă ridica staţie.
mişcarea braţului este acţionată de un motor fără perii
Un declansator mecanice pot fi adaugate 12-18 cicluri / min.
Sistemul cel mai frecvent imitat de concurenţă.
| STEFANI squaring-edgebander Cuadratura Stefani-edgebander
Evoluţia SB se află în partea de sus a gamei Stefani disputându-canturi.
Caracteristicile high-tech mecanic, cadru masiv solidă şi constantă presiunea de bare de oţel asigura orice panou de exploataţie cerinţe, chiar şi în situaţii de stres ridicat datorită rigiditate ridicat şi soliditate.
Evoluţia SB este echipat cu celebrul Stefani 13 track pinion feed dinti cu link-uri din oţel sinterizat şi lagăre speciale de design dezvoltat de Stefani, care asigură Cuadratura perfect.
Evoluţia SB este răspunsul la imbunatatirea continua a tehnologiei canturi: viteza de lucru de până la 60 m / min, mobile THK sub-baze, unitatea de scop aranjarea gestionate de motoare fără perii, oală de clei de sus, de mare precizie şi latura dispozitiv de tăiat din spate.
Evoluţia SB pot fi configurate în funcţie de multe lungimi diferite cadru şi o gamă largă de unităţi de lucru Stefani, în scopul de a permite compozitii personalizate pentru fiecare cerinţele clientului. Evoluţia SB pot fi montate pentru materiale subţiri, ABS, margini din lemn masiv şi în scopuri softforming profile.
Evoluţia SB poate fi integrat cu sisteme de mişcare cele mai moderne pentru a realiza NC gestionate linii Cuadratura-canturi.
| Working centre for boring, routing and edge banding Unitatea tăiate, a fost produs în urma proiectare tehnologică cea mai inovatoare şi criterii de construcţie. Morbidelli a patentat o unitate de lipire cu un dispozitiv care permite, lipici pentru a fi aplicate direct pe profilul panoului, ţineţi obţinerea superior al tăiate, lipite pe panoul de lipici ca mai este aplicat pe cm2. precizie 360 ° închidere se obţine foarte eficient cu o celulă fotoelectrică încorporate în unitatea de tăiate | |
stefani top
edge banders and sizing edge banders for the furniture industry; to view click on our logo