
AGME Automated Assembly Solutions proiectează și fabrică mașini speciale, care răspund cel mai bine nevoilor de asamblare automată din diferite industrii. |
Anul înfiinţări : |
1948 |
Tip afacere : |
Manufacturer |
 AGME Expands Presence in Czech Republic with New Distributor, Servis Technologie
AGME Expands Presence in Czech Republic with New Distributor, Servis Technologie
AGME, a prominent player in the automotive components industry, is expanding its operations in the Czech Republic through a strategic partnership with Servis Technologie, a newly appointed distributor.
AGME, a prominent player in the automotive components industry, is expanding its operations in the Czech Republic through a strategic partnership with Servis Technologie, a newly appointed distributor. The addition of Servis Technologie to AGME's international sales team reinforces the company's position in the Czech Republic.
During the successful presentation of AGME's cutting-edge RA series riveting machine at the recent MSV fair in Brno, the company also introduced Servis Technologie as their trusted distributor. Servis Technologie boasts a team of highly skilled technicians with extensive experience in the field of riveting machines and assembly products.
With headquarters in Prague and additional facilities in Lipa, Servis Technologie is dedicated to promoting AGME's product line throughout the Czech Republic. They are committed to delivering cost-effective services tailored to the specific needs of their customers within the country. This partnership strengthens AGME's presence in the Czech market and facilitates seamless collaboration between the two companies.
AGME Automated Assembly Solutions proiectează și fabrică mașini speciale, care răspund cel mai bine nevoilor de asamblare automată din diferite industrii. Vasta noastră experiență, remarcabila capacitate de inginerie și un serviciu tehnic excelent ne-au permis să dezvoltăm proiecte la cheie cu valoare adăugată ridicată pentru industrii foarte exigente, cum ar fi producătorii globali de componente auto
| Radial riveting machines Mașini de nituit radial
A patra generație de mașini de nituit AGME cu numeroase îmbunătățiri în performanță, design și finisaj.
| Roll forming machines Mașini de format prin laminare
Procesul de formare este realizat de un cap cu role rotative care aplică o forță simetrică asupra componentei. | |
riveting machines
Following our policy of continuous improvement, our RD & I department has obtained considerable advances in durability, reliability and performance over our standard riveting machines. In addition, the new AGME RA riveting machines have also delivered remarkable progress in flexibility.