
Suntem un jucător global în industria mobilității, care contribuie la mobilitatea ecologică a viitorului prin inovații și este complet independent de motorul cu combustie internă. |
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 PWO Group Enhances Its Toolmaking Capabilities in Eastern Europe, Driven by Growth Strategy
PWO Group Enhances Its Toolmaking Capabilities in Eastern Europe, Driven by Growth Strategy
In line with its continuous expansion and focus on profitable growth, the PWO Group is persistently fortifying its market presence. With a sustainable business model that operates entirely separate from combustion engines, it has earned the reputation of a reliable partner among its clients.
In line with its continuous expansion and focus on profitable growth, the PWO Group is persistently fortifying its market presence. With a sustainable business model that operates entirely separate from combustion engines, it has earned the reputation of a reliable partner among its clients. The company is encouraged by the robust surge in demand for its products originating from Eastern Europe. Despite a substantial investment in expanding its Czech operations, announced back in June 2022, the demand is expected to surpass the long-term capacity, leading to the necessity of establishing an additional location in Eastern Europe.
Serbia, offering distinctively favorable conditions, has evolved into a critical hub for the European mobility industry in the recent past. Nearly all the PWO Group's significant Tier I clients have set up production sites in the country, persistently intensifying their presence, and seeking the Group's solutions to cater to their eastern-European operations.
This has led the PWO Group to acquire assets of the well-known tool manufacturer, Gorenje MDM d.o.o., based in Kragujevac, Serbia. The acquisition, a strategic move, took place as the company entered liquidation, and effective from July 1, 2023, the PWO Group has on-boarded around 60 specialists from the liquidating firm. The assets obtained include equipment that is used in the development, construction, manufacturing, and testing of tools for sheet metal cold forming.
Through this investment, the company is securing a foothold in a region that is rich in nearly 200 years of industrial heritage, and is strategically located near other highly specialized suppliers within the mobility industry. Gorenje MDM d.o.o. carries with it over seven decades of experience in the development and manufacturing of tools, and its clientele includes top-tier players in the global mobility industry.
At the Kragujevac location, the PWO Group will focus on the development, production, and testing of high-performing tools for sheet metal cold forming as a key component of its global toolmaking strategy. Utilizing state-of-the-art materials, the emphasis will be on creating smart tools designed for Industry 4.0 applications and the future's smart factories. This effort aims to cater to a distinct external customer demographic and a substantial fraction of the PWO Group's swiftly expanding in-house demand, while maintaining competitive conditions.
Suntem un jucător global în industria mobilității, care contribuie la mobilitatea ecologică a viitorului prin inovații și este complet independent de motorul cu combustie internă.
Cu expertiza noastră în construcții ușoare prietenoase cu clima, suntem lideri tehnologici și combinăm eficiența economică cu sustenabilitatea. Dezvoltăm și producem componente metalice sofisticate și subsisteme complexe la limita a ceea ce este tehnologic posibil. Cu concepte inovatoare și sustenabile, facem față provocărilor timpului nostru. Dar mai presus de toate, dorim să profităm de oportunitățile care vin odată cu ele.
Ca angajator bazat pe valori cu structuri accesibile la nivel global, oferim angajaților noștri un mediu orientat spre scop în care să-și realizeze perspectivele personale. Guvernanța corporativă transparentă și responsabilă face parte din identitatea noastră.
Strategia noastră corporativă este rezumată de motto-ul OAMENI. PLANETĂ. PROGRES.
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