
Soluții pentru umplerea și ambalarea în containere flexibile. |
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Manufacturer |
 TECHNIBAG: Retail Partners and Resellers Business Partners in Central and Eastern European
TECHNIBAG: Retail Partners and Resellers Business Partners in Central and Eastern European
TECHNIBAG the French manufactuer of Solutions for filling and packaging in flexible containers has an extensive range of Retail Partners and Resellers Business Partners in Central and Eastern European after focusing on Business Partner Search in the CEE region.
TECHNIBAG the French manufactuer of Solutions for filling and packaging in flexible containers has an extensive range of Retail Partners and Resellers Business Partners in Central and Eastern European after focusing on Business Partner Search in the CEE region. TECHNIBAG has 7 Central and Eastern European Retail Partners and Resellers in CEE they are;
ADIG > Bulgaria ADIG is located in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, specialized in the distribution of products for wine production and storage by leading world manufacturers.
PA-VIN > Croatia
PA-VIN company is located in Jastrebarsko, Croatia, specialized in the field of wine growing.
MAURER GEP > Hungary MAURER GEP Company is located in Hungary, provides fruit processing machinery.
GEMPOL > Poland GEMPOL based in Poland, it’s a producer of systems for bag-in-box packaging of liquid products.
HAVLIMEX > Roumanie HAVLIMEX represents in Romania the largest European producers of equipment and consumables for the food industry, as well as alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Havlimex has contributed and continues to contribute to the implementation of cutting-edge technologies to increase the quality of products manufactured in Romania.
INNO ZIT > Serbia Inno Zit is an export/import company located in Serbia, specialized for representation of foreign producers of processing equipment for food and beverage preparation (juice, wine), packaging machines and systems… Business policy of Inno Zit is focused on the offer of the equipment for food industry. Their decision is to represent only the first-class companies, leaders in the sectors they are specialized in.
ENOGRUP > Ukraine Enogrup is located in Odessa, Ukraine. The company is present in the markets of Moldova, Ukraine and Russia. ENOGRUP offers oenological products and wine equipment. enogrup.com
TECHNIBAG echipază procesele de umplere și ambalare în pungi flexibile pentru vin, suc, produse alimentare și fluide tehnice în Franța și în peste 85 de țări din întreaga lume.
De la mașini de umplere manuale la linii automate de mare viteză, TECHNIBAG proiectează și fabrică procese și echipamente pentru umplerea și ambalarea produselor lichide și semilichide în pungi vidate (BIB, Pouch, Cheertainer).
Angajată într-o abordare inovatoare și orientată către satisfacția utilizatorilor, TECHNIBAG echipa și susține profesioniștii din sectoarele vinicol, de procesare a alimentelor și industrial, în Franța și la nivel internațional, ajutându-i să-și optimizeze procesele de umplere și ambalare.
| Automatic Filling Machine Mașina automată de umplere de mare viteză B'BOOSTER TOP 900 încorporează cele mai bune dintre tehnologiile inovative de umplere într-un design robust și ergonomic. | |