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Manufacturer |
 Sika acquires Addiment Italia from Buzzi Unicem
Sika acquires Addiment Italia from Buzzi Unicem
Sika AG acquired the remaining shares of the Italian based Addiment Italia from its joint venture partner Buzzi Unicem.
Sika AG acquired the remaining shares of the Italian based Addiment Italia from its joint venture partner Buzzi Unicem. The company is active in the production and sale of concrete admixtures and cement grinding aids. The transaction will strengthen Sika’s production set up in Italy and increase its market presence. Addiment Italia generated sales of EUR 14 million in 2014.
Addiment Italia has a history of over 25 years of experience in the construction market offering a broad range of concrete admixtures and cement grinding aids. In 2003 Buzzi Unicem and Sika AG formed a joint venture in order to produce an innovative range of construction chemicals that enhance the quality and performance of concrete and cement.
Pietro Buzzi, co-CEO of Buzzi Unicem: “ The cooperation between Buzzi Unicem and Sika as joint venture partners of Addiment Italia has continued effectively for more than twelve years, with good understanding of the common goals and management decisions that led to great results for both employees and shareholders. We hope that our future business relationship will continue with the same long lasting success.”
Paul Schuler, Head of region EMEA: ”The acquisition will allow us to further build up on the successful partnership between Buzzi Unicem and Sika in the admixture business worldwide and strengthen the operational footprint in Italy. We welcome the new employees on board and look forward to developing the business together with our partner Buzzi Unicem.”
 Long Life Choice for Jack Daniel’s
Long Life Choice for Jack Daniel’s
Buzzi Unicem USA, Signal Mountain Plant, Chattanooga, TN, teamed up with Irving Materials (Nashville, TN), Robert Smith Paving (Chattanooga, TN) and Lee Adcock Construction (Shelbyville, TN) to provide 2700 cubic yards of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement (RCCP) to Jack Daniel’s new warehouse facility in September 2011.
Buzzi Unicem USA, Signal Mountain Plant, Chattanooga, TN, teamed up with Irving Materials (Nashville, TN), Robert Smith Paving (Chattanooga, TN) and Lee Adcock Construction (Shelbyville, TN) to provide 2700 cubic yards of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement (RCCP) to Jack Daniel’s new warehouse facility in September 2011. The continuous growth of the distillery on the international market presented the need for more storage space for the barrels to age. Buzzi Unicem USA and its partners worked together to convince Jack Daniel’s to consider using Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement as an alternate to the asphalt design. RCCP is a low slump, low water/cement (w/c) ration concrete mix with the consistency of damp gravel. It is placed with standard asphalt paving equipment or high-density pavers designed for this product.
The scope of the project included two new warehouses for stocking the new whisky prior to shipment and 162,000 square feet of paving, which included a 1000 foot access road. The installed price of the RCC was 10% below the cost of the asphalt design. With lower maintenance, faster placement, and structurally superiority and durability, Jack Daniel’s made an intelligent business decision.
Grup internațional cu multiple regiuni de acțiune, concentrat pe ciment, beton pregătit și agregate.
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• Crearea de valoare prin cunoștințe durabile, experiență și eficiență operațională.
| Beton amestecat gata de turnare Betonul amestecat gata de turnare este un material de construcție obținut prin amestecarea agregatelor naturale, cimentului și apei, iar producția sa a fost întotdeauna principalul scop al utilizării cimentului. Producția și distribuția de beton amestecat gata de turnare se realizează în stația de beton. | |