
Mașini de ambalare, mașini de umplere, facilități de producție la cheie.
angajaţi : |
500 |
Anul înfiinţări : |
1922 |
Tip afacere : |
Manufacturer |
 OPTIMA and Quality Machines enter into a cooperation agreement
OPTIMA and Quality Machines enter into a cooperation agreement
Both companies are working together in the South American pharmaceuticals and consumer market
Optima do Brasil has entered into a partnership with the Brazilian mechanical engineering company Quality Machines based in Campinas. This initiative is part of Optima's comprehensive globalization strategy. Both companies' customers will benefit from the cooperation. The new alliance was presented at an Open House Show at Optima do Brasil at the end of November, where both partners' machines were on display. More than 160 Quality Machines and Optima customers availed themselves of the opportunity to talk to the companies and to experience the latest machine technologies first-hand.
“In Quality Machines and Optima do Brasil, two strong partners have joined forces. Our close partnership now means that manufacturing companies in the pharmaceutical and consumer sectors can access a wide range of solutions from a single source – from cost-effective machines in the lower output range to high-speed solutions for the most demanding requirements," says Rolf Geissinger, Managing Director of Optima do Brasil. In Brazil, Quality Machines has gained a reputation as a reliable partner for cost-efficient mechanical engineering projects for the South American market. Optima do Brasil is distributing Optima Group's technology for the pharmaceuticals, consumer goods, medical devices and paper hygiene market segments throughout South America. Market-specific machine solutions are manufactured directly on site. The OPTIMA CP4NG Case Packer, the OPTIMA FM1 Filling Machine and the OPTIMA CM1 Closing Machine are a particularly important part of the portfolio.
OPTIMA do Brasil provides support with OPTIMA Total Care, the integrated Life-Cycle Management Program
Optima do Brasil will be supporting Quality Machines, particularly in After Sales. Within the framework of OPTIMA Total Care Life Cycle Management, Optima ensures safe and reliable production of the systems installed in South America long after commissioning. A part of the Life-Cycle-Management Program is Basic Services and Smart Services. Basic Services include, for example, support during commissioning, retrofitting and upgrading, training of plant operators, embedded engineers and the production of spare parts directly in Brazil. Smart Services are digital solutions that provide the best possible support in terms of plant efficiency, predictive maintenance, knowledge management and solutions to problems – for example with remote support using augmented reality eyewear.
 OPTIMA 2022 – Start of the Second Leg – New Logistics Center Building
OPTIMA 2022 – Start of the Second Leg – New Logistics Center Building
For several years, Optima Management has been working on an extensive building project.
For several years, Optima Management has been working on an extensive building project. In 2016, an assembly hall in the Steinbeisweg was added, a partial renovation of the offices and the integration of the former “Baumarkt” building completed. Additional office updates are in the planning stage. Some other new premises were also acquired. The ground breaking for the logistics center in the Solpark is the start of the second leg of the building project. Last year several departments were centralized and at the beginning of the year the new materials management department was founded as an independent corporation under the management of Heiko Funk. A new hall and office space was created with the new physical configuration in the Solpark. Within the last few months, in collaboration with their teams, Heiko Funk (Managing Director OPTIMA materials management GmbH), Andreas Kettemann (Supervisor Logistics) and Matthias Dietz (Supervision Optima Facility Management) started the project. Additional building projects will follow, and are in the planning stage. “By means of a holistic logistics concept we are optimizing the transit amongst the different subsidiaries and the delivery time of machines and spare parts worldwide. For instance, the transportation time for items from one location to the other, through the city, will be reduced by two-thirds. The building of a new innovative logistic center with an investment total in the tens of millions is again a commitment to the region,” explained Hans Bühler (Managing Director / CEO).
Innovative storage systems, state-of-the-art work places and optimized energy efficiency The logistic center with approximately 6,000 qm will be the new location for the OPTIMA materials management founded in January 2017. Holding space for 3,000 pallets and an automatic small parts warehouse offer space for about 60,000 parts. Short transportation routes to the different locations in Schwäbisch Hall create an efficient supply to the assembly areas and therefore reduce expenditures. The new materials management facility will be larger due to additional space already considered for further expansions. Central purchasing, quality management, quality safety, customs, shipping and spare parts service, as well as a service shop will be connected to reduce long transits in the new building. Short routes ensure smooth processes and better communication within the company. State-of-the-art workspaces, lounges for project meetings, a catering area and a rooftop terrace offering comfort for the employees and well-equipped lavatories are completing the design. The energy efficient new building, a so-called “Efficient House 55”, is connected to the district heating grid of the city. The heating and cooling of the offices and the hall will be regulated via a center core cooling system through the floor. A photovoltaic system will be installed on the hall roof. Bicycle parking spots and E-mobile connections are also considered. For the visual depiction of the new location Optima uses the Virtual reality Center in the “Haus der Wirtschaft”. The employees received an outlook of the “completed” logistic center and the equipment in July 2017 at the Virtual Reality Center. Due to the efficient cooperation with the city and the county Schwäbisch Hall, the building permit was received quickly. The new logistic center is an important step for additional growth in a global market for Optima.
- Maşini pentru asamblarea ambalajelor şi a componentelor de ambalare (de ex. pompe de dozare, seringi) la locul de ambalare
- Maşini pentru umplerea pungilor şi sacilor pentru a forma pachete de tip grupare
- Echipament pentru pasteurizarea şi sterilizarea produselor ambalate
- Fiole, flacoane şi recipiente similare (Utilaje pentru producţie)
- Utilaje pentru sortarea, alinierea şi încărcarea ambalajelo
- Utilaje de purificare a aerului
- Echipamente de curăţare pentru bidoane, butoiaşe şi recipiente similare
- Echipamente de curăţare pentru sticle
- Echipamente de curăţare pentru sticle, flacoane şi recipiente similare
- Echipamente de pasteurizare şi sterilizare pentru ambalaje şi componente de ambalare
- Dozare gravimetrică
- Dozare volumetrică
- Cutii din carton pliat
- Echipamente de umplere aseptică
- Echipamente de umplere pentru utilizare în condiţii de cameră cu atmosferă controlată
- Pungi tubulare
- Pungi Echipamente de umplere şi etanşare
- Fiole, flacoane şi recipiente similare
- Doze
- Borcane de ambalare
- Fiole, flacoane şi recipiente similare (Echipamente de închidere)
- Pungi (Echipamente de închidere)
- Sticle (Echipamente de închidere)
- Doze (Echipamente de închidere)
- Cupe (Echipamente de închidere)
- Echipamente de ambalare pe orizontală (încărcare laterală)
- Echipamente de asamblare pentru cutii din carton şi cutii din carton pliat (echipament de asamblare cutii)
- Ambalare primară
- Fiole, flacoane şi recipiente similare (echipamente de formare, umplere şi etanşare (FFS))
- Canistre (echipamente de formare, umplere şi etanşare (FFS))
Mașini de ambalare, mașini de umplere, facilități de producție la cheie.
O afacere de familie din a treia generație, cu 100 de ani de succes pe piață. Comerțul sustenabil este în ADN-ul companiei noastre.
Prin aceasta înțelegem o gestionare corporativă care operează pe termen lung, în parteneriat, și acționează pentru a conserva resursele prețioase, contribuind astfel important la păstrarea lumii noastre pentru generațiile viitoare. Strategia noastră de sustenabilitate „Ne pasă de mâine” asigură că acest lucru se traduce în termeni concreți.
| AMOTEK LA163 Mașină pentru aplicarea capacelor din plastic pe ambalajele finale ale șervețelelor umede pliate și stivuite.
| AMOTEK PB161 Mașină de ambalare complet automată pentru ambalarea multiplă a produselor moi de unică folosință, cum ar fi scutece pentru bebeluși, protej-slipuri și tampoane sanitare.
| AMOTEK PB165 Mașină de ambalare complet automată pentru ambalarea rolelor de șervețele în multiple configurații având miez vertical și orizontal, într-un singur strat. Design modular robust cu cele mai avansate controale servo. Schimbare de mărime rapidă și ușoară.
| AMOTEK PB169 Mașină de ambalare complet automată pentru ambalarea rolelor de șervețele în multiple configurații având miez vertical și orizontal, într-un singur și dublu strat. Design modular robust cu cele mai avansate controale servo. Flexibilitate mare, schimbare de mărime rapidă și ușoară. | |