
Proiectare, fabricație și marketing de cuptoare pentru tratament termic și echipamente auxiliare pentru tratamentul termic al fierului, oțelului și altor metale. |
Anul înfiinţări : |
1932 |
Tip afacere : |
Manufacturer |
 Service and Service Contracts
Service and Service Contracts
All parts of the industrial sector are interlinked, like cogs in a wheel.
All parts of the industrial sector are interlinked, like cogs in a wheel. Someone manufactures a component that forms a vital part of someone else’s product. This affects both our business and our customers’ business.
Our customers’ furnaces are in continual operation, making accessibility a key factor. There is simply no time to bring one cog in the wheel to a halt. To avoid this, preventive maintenance and repairs must be carried out.
Our service contracts are there to allow easy access and to maintain a high level of productivity for our customers by scheduling production stops. Unplanned interruptions can often lead to delivery problems and subsequent added costs. They also require access to spare parts. We therefore recommend that customers keep a supply of critical parts.
Our service contracts ensure that service reports are produced after each inspection, thus maintaining a high level of accessibility with minimal disruption time.
The equipment has become increasingly sophisticated, using different types of automated machinery and control systems. Our service personnel have expert knowledge of the latest equipment.
Sarlin Oy Ab este un pionier în domeniul aerului comprimat industrial, automatizării și tehnologiei energiei durabile.
Implementăm, întreținem și servim soluțiile tehnologice ideale pentru clienții noștri. Înțelegem industria și vedem posibilitățile tehnologiei în dezvoltarea afacerilor industriale.
Metoda Sarlin este de a găsi cel mai bun echipament și furnizorii ideali pentru fiecare caz. Dorim să găsim soluții inovatoare pentru a rezolva chiar și cele mai mari provocări ale dezvoltării tehnologice.
Sarlin Furnaces Design, manufacturing and marketing of heat treatment furnaces and auxiliary equipment
| Batch-furnaces |
| Continuous Furnaces |
| Multi-purpose chamber furnace for commercial heat treatment |
| Nitrocarburising furnace for commercial heat treatment | |