
# Машины и оборудование для пива
# Части к машинам, производящим пищевые продукты |
Сотрудники : |
40+ |
Год основания : |
1866 |
Вид деятельности : |
Manufacturer |
С момента своего основания в 1866 LEONHARD Брайтенбах GmbH выросла до современных, во всем мире операционная компания с широким спектром продуктов и услуг. Это было выдающееся качество своей продукции и услуг, которые помогли компании завоевать прочное место на рынке и прекрасной репутацией она сегодня живет среди всех своих клиентов по всем вопросам, связанным с валками.
Производственная программа LEONHARD Брайтенбах GmbH включает в себя:
* Calender и смешивания рулонах * Валки для измельчения продуктов любого типа * Покрытия и учета рулонах * Нагрева и охлаждения валков * Прокатных валков мельницы * Валки для пищевой промышленности и корма * Специальных рулонов, а также * Поршни Особая сила компании заключается в предоставлении готовых к установке продуктов
| Coating and Doctor Rolls Coating, painting, impregnating of materials in continuous runs such as paper, cardboard, plastics and metal foils, textile fabrics and non-wovens, this is the range of application for our rolls. Whenever materials in continuous runs are processed, high-precision coating rolls are needed, in order to meet the high quality standards which are specified for all final products. The slightest deviation in cylindricity and runout may lead to significant differences in the coating quality and thickness. The more precise the roll, the better coating quantity and uniformity specifications can be met. When calculating the savings for one production year or even for the service life of the rolls, the investment in roll precision will pay off.
At Leonhard Breitenbach GmbH, the standards for quality and precision are extremely high. This has made us the market leader for this product range on a worldwide basis.
| Crushing Rolls Grinding, refining, squeezing, crushing, flaking these are tasks putting rolls into focus as the most important tool. Highly precise crushing rolls made by Leonhard BREITENBACH GmbH are, amongst other applications, used for preparing the following products:
foodstuff including luxury foods
animal feed
pharmaceutical products
ceramics and stoneware
BREITENBACH crushing rolls enhance the efficiency and profitability of various production processes in several respects. On the one hand, maintenance intervals are significantly extended without affecting reliability. This means longer machine cycles without interruption, and the repair costs are cut down to the required minimum. Reduction in energy consumption during grinding is another important benefit offered by our rolls. Furthermore, we have continuously developed our products and adapted them to actual market requirements, in close cooperation with renowned mill and plant manufacturers.
This dialogue in partnership along with our experience over many years makes BREITENBACH a reliable partner specialising in the field of roll manufacture for all crushing applications. | |
Leaflets Calender, Mixing and Smoothening Rolls
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