
# Другое оборудование для производства и обработки пищевых продуктов
# Машины и оборудование для обработки и переработки
# Машины для вторичного использования отработанных шин и резины
# Экотехнология
# Прессование
# Крушилки
# Технология извлечения материалов
# Утилизация для пластмассовой/каучуковой промышленности
# Обработка отходов
# Прессы
# Макулатурные/упаковочные прессы
# Пакетировочные прессы для скрапа
# Опилки для подстилок для животных
# Брикетировочные прессы
# Пресс-грануляторы древесины
# Установки для производства древесных брикетов |
Год основания : |
1876 |
Вид деятельности : |
Manufacturer |
Кал планировать, проектировать и строить машины, заводы и заводы "под ключ" для кондиционирования и уплотнение много различной продукции из различных промышленных процессов.
Сегодня, Amandus KAHL являются партнерами по пищевой, комбикормовой промышленности, химической промышленности и по переработке.
Постоянно расширенный плоский пресс умереть, является самым успешным продуктом Кале, как и для более чем 10 лет кольцевой расширения разрыва.
Примеры заказчиков KAHL: Комбикормовой промышленности: полное комбикорма фабрик, заводов, отдельных машин Сахарная промышленность: установки для гранулирования сухого жома Химическая промышленность: установки для гранулирования порошкообразных, кусковых или пастообразных продуктов Утилизация и переработка промышленность: установки для производства пуха и окатыши, заводы по переработке отходов шин Продовольственная и питательными промышленности: полное детское питание растений, зерновых приготовления растений, зерновых кондиционирования растений, грануляторы растений
| Batch Mixers Single-Shaft Mixer BWM, Twin-Shaft Mixer MAH
Field of application
Mixers of the construction series MAH and BWM are discontinuous mixers.
They are used as individual machines or as batch mixers within a plant.
Liquid addition is possible to a certain limit.
Possible applications
Homogenizing of different raw materials
Storage of non-freeflowing products (prebin)
The batch mixers of the construction series MAH and BWM can mix several solid matters (individual components) to a homogeneous mixture.
Bulk density of the individual components
| Hydrothermal Sterilizer For the hygienic treatment of coarsely structured meal feed,
such as layer or pig feed.
A commercial sterility is reached.
The feed is free from pathogenic bacteria, such as:
coliform bacteria,
E-coli bacteria,
toxin-forming moulds.
The total aerobic count is reduced to a large extent.
With the hygienized compound feed a stabilized intestinal flora of the animal is ensured, diarrhoea is obviated, and a higher absorption and utilization of the feed nutrients is achieved. Consequently the animal health is increased and the quality of the animal products is improved.
The system consists of a conditioner, hydrothermal sterilizer, and cooler with thermic accessories and offers the possibility to sterilize layer or pig feed, for example.
The product heated to 85 °C in the short-term conditioner is fed continuously in the hydrothermal sterilizer. The cylindrical sterilizer consists of at least 2 sections with 2 slowly rotating agitators.
The sections are separated by a heated floor with special flap.With this design the principle ”First in - First out“ is ensured, the product is treatedv uniformly. The flap in the intermediate floor is actuated electropneumatically. In case of batch change an uninterrupted ”flying change“ is possible, without having to empty the complete machine.
The slowly rotating agitators produce an additional agglomeration effect. The fines are bound to larger particles. Due to the large openings in the machine regular cleaning with steam and disinfectants is possible.
| Pelleting presses The product is pressed through a die by pan grinder rollers, formed into
endless strands, and then cut to the desired particle length by means of
We are constantly developing our machines in order to improve their
capacities and economic efficiency.KAHL pelleting presses are particularly
appropriate for products which are difficult to pellet. |
| Pelleting presses KAHL flat die pelleting presses are robust and powerful
For decades KAHL pelleting plants have been applied successfully for compacting organic products of different particle sizes, moisture contents, and bulk densities.
The product is pressed through a die by pan grinder rollers, formed into endless strands, and then cut to the desired particle length by means of knives.
We are constantly developing our machines in order to improve their capacities and economic efficiency. KAHL pelleting presses are particularly appropriate for products which are difficult to pellet.
The current production range of KAHL presses consists of 12 different sizes
Die diameter 175 - 1,250 mm
Drive motor 3 - 400 kW
Roller diameter 130 - 450 mm
Pellet diameter 2 - 40 mm
The small presses are driven by slip-on gears, the big presses by low-noise and low-wear worm gears with preceding belt drives.
A convincing technology
The product is fed by gravity. The large pelleting chamber avoids blockings.
The low roller speed of approximately 2.5 m/s ensures a good deaeration of the product.
As a result of the low speed, the press noise is below 70 dbA.
The thick product layer between the pan grinder rollers and the large die surface results in a high throughput, even in case of products which are difficult to pellet.
The roller gap can be adjusted during operation, thus the pellet quality can be controlled.
Permanently lubricated roller bearings with special seals prevent the product being pelleted from contamination by lubricating grease as well as grease losses.
Quick die changing increases the availability of the complete plant.
Liquid variations in the product are permissible.
Mixtures with high levels of fat and molasses can be effectively pelleted.
Each pelleting press is tested before supply under full-load simulation.
KAHL pelleting process for different applications and products
KAHL pelleting presses are designed for universal use on the widest possible range of products with regard to their structure, bulk density, binding strength, and particle size. Powdery, fibrous, lumpy, and pasty products can be processed into uniform pellets of different sizes.
The following products are mainly pelleted:
Compound feed for all animal species
Raw materials and mineral mixtures for the production of compound feed
By-products in flour and oil mills, malt factories, and other food factories
A special field of application for KAHL presses are the drying plants for green forage. The voluminous, chopped dried forage can be directly
Conditioned straw and complete feed mixtures with a high straw content are processed into pelletsof large diameter using KAHL presses. It is also possible to pellet reproducible raw materials for further industrial processing or the generation of energy.
For more than 20 years KAHL have been in a leading position with regard to the production of dried beet pulp presses for the sugar industry. The extreme demands of the sugar beet campaign require a robust design and a high operating safety of the presses.
Automatization for optimum products
Switch and control panels for all plant sizes are designed, built, and installed by KAHL. Our electrical engineers develop custom-made application software for ensuring a high degree of operating safety and efficiency.
The EAPR is the pelleting press control system for an optimum, automatic operation of the flat die pelleting presses of the company KAHL. It consists of a local control cabinet with a graphic operator panel (OP) and an S7-PLC by Siemens as central components. The EAPR controls and regulates all the relevant process parameters.
Optimum operation of the pelleting press
Low manpower requirements
High availability due to the use of proven quality components
Optional field bus system saves installation work
DISTAMAT for continuous adjustment and control of the roller gap (option)
Intelligent production acc. to DIN EN ISO 9001
For the production of pan grinder rollers of differen | |
KAHL Fabric Belt Driers