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Вид деятельности : |
Manufacturer |
Mil-tek is a leading manufacturer of balers and waste presses for compacting e.g. cardboard, plastic, paper, foam. We distribute our balers worldwide through local Mil-tek dealers throughout Europe, The Pacific, Russia and USA.
Our balers are unique as they are air-operated which gives some clear advantages such as:
- Very simple to operated, clean and maintain.
- Constant compression = higher degree of compression
- Low energy consumption
- Low noise level
- No oil or electrical parts
- Small foot print
These unique features give our balers clear environmental and maintenance advantages as they can be placed directly in critical hygiene production areas. There are no risk of oil spills to be considered and no electrical parts making cleaning with water a problem.
| Пакетировочные прессы Пневматический пресс = • Низкое потребление энергии! • Быстрое прессования! • Высокая степень уплотнения! • Простота обслуживания! • безопасной эксплуатации! Очень универсальный тюков прессы для больших количествах, например, Картон, пластик, бумага и биг-бэги | |
Pneumatic Balers
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