
# Фильтровальные установки
# Промышленные фильтры
# Другие фильтры
# Очистка отработанной воды, установка и компоненты
# Обработка воды, установка и компоненты |
Год основания : |
1927 |
Вид деятельности : |
Manufacturer |
Integrated solutions for filtration equipment
Integrated solutions for filtration equipment Precise knowledge of processes, years of experience with filter media and extensive know-how in capital engineering – these are the key success factors for the newest business unit at GKD – Gebr. Kufferath AG, Düren. Last year, this international leader in the field of technical meshes expanded its range of services by establishing a new division: CAPITAL EQUIPMENT for capital equipment and engineering. Now, the business unit GKD-CompactFiltration has been added to this division. The core product of the new business unit is Maxflow, a compact, modular unit designed for process filtration.
Next generation filter
Maxflow combines filtration without filter aids – or, if they are required, with considerably reduced quantities of filter aids – and briquetting in a single unit. Simplified disposal, because the waste product is optimally separated and vastly reduced in volume, low maintenance requirements and modular expansion options all qualify the Maxflow concept as a next generation filter. The main fields of application for Maxflow are particle filtration, the retrieval of recyclable materials and the purification of aqueous solutions. The system has already successfully proved its efficiency in a range of industries, metal-working, automotive, chemical, pharmaceutical and food-processing, as well as in the environmental sector.
Made-to-measure filter unit design
GKD-CompactFiltration develops tailor-made concepts in collaboration with its customers. As partners for truly integrated solutions, GKD's filter and equipment specialists are there for their customers at all stages, and not just from design and dimensioning through to commissioning of the equipment. Even later on, when the equipment needs to be expanded and adapted to meet changing production conditions, the team of GKD continue to provide worldwide competent service that is supported by the German sites in Tuttlingen and Düren. In spite of its modular features, the Maxflow system is not an isolated application. It meets all the requirements of established standards. At the same time, it can be adapted through individual modifications to fulfill the production parameters of the customer, no matter how specific these may be, and can be flexibly expanded even after implementation. Through comprehensive services that accompany the production process, GKD becomes an integral part of the customer's supply chain and can thus at all stages guarantee the efficiency of its filter concepts.
Worldwide availability
With six production facilities – two of them in , the others in the , , and the – as well as agencies and partners, the GKD Group guarantees efficient deployment of the Maxflow filter system all over the world. Together with GKD-Delkor, GKD-CompactFiltration in GKD's CAPITAL EQUIPMENT division is setting worldwide standards in capital engineering for clearly defined submarkets in the solid/liquid filtration sector. The other division, WORLD WIDE WEAVE for technical meshes, comprises the business units SOLID WEAVE for innovative filter media, WEAVE IN MOTION for process belt technology and CREATIVE WEAVE for metallic architectural and design fabrics. 610 employees worldwide – 405 of them in – are GKD's guarantee for a truly global and efficient network of service and competence.
Философия качества максимум: мировой добавленной стоимости для наших клиентов Краеугольным камнем нашего успеха является плетение металлов и других материалов - основные competencethat сделало нас одним из ведущих технических мире ткачей. Благодаря последовательной внимание ondemanding, высококачественные нишевых рынков, мы по-прежнему для достижения устойчивого и sustainablegrowth бизнеса С момента основания в 1925 году. Четыре ключевых фактора являются движущими силами behindour успеха: междисциплинарный подход к долгосрочных решений, общее стремление к качеству, технологическое лидерство и близость к клиенту. В нашей дивизии WORLD WIDE WEAVE - Технические сетки - бренд SolidWEAVE стоит forinnovative СМИ фильтр, WEAVEinMotion на современное состояние процесса и конвейерных лент и CreativeWEAVE металлических применения ткани в фантастическая архитектура по всему миру. Oursecond разделения, капитальное оборудование, основана в 2006 году, вышел из синтез ourexpertise в сугубо технических фильтровальных материалов и наших ноу-хау процессов фильтрации. Здесь служат четко определены сегменты в твердой и жидкой сектора разделения. Это interdisciplinaryorientation нашего портфеля услуг позволяет удовлетворить широкий спектр отраслей, от пищевой, химической и фармацевтической аэрокосмических, электроники, горнодобывающей промышленности, wellas архитектуры и дизайна. Мы по-прежнему высокий уровень инноваций и качество руководства посредством непрерывных инвестиций в современные технологии. От тяжелого процесса сетки на микрон ткани, состоящей из 100 проводов на миллиметр, каждому из них только четверть ширины человеческого волоса, наши специализированные решения являются нашим товарным знаком. Наша последовательная политика инновационного означает, что мы постоянно открывать новые приложения для наших продуктов. В сотрудничестве с ведущими научно-исследовательскими центрами региона, эти новшества разрабатываются быстро и эффективно реагировать на рынке зрелости. Таким образом, на фоне все более короткими циклами технологии и спроса, мы делаем большинство наших потенциал рынка. Вместе с нашими дочерних компаний и филиалов, мы формируем международной сети центров компетенции, которые позволяют нам выполнять пожелания наших клиентов быстро и эффективно во всех наших сфер бизнеса по всему миру. В семь производственных мощностей, два из них в Германии, остальные в США, Южной Африки, Китая, Испании и Соединенного Королевства, а также учреждениями и партнерами по всему миру, мы всегда правы, там, где начинается добавленной стоимости для клиента : на месте.
| Filter unit for machining fluid Maxflow combines filtration without filter aids - or, if they are required, with considerably reduced quantities of filter aids - and briquetting in a single unit. The main fields of application for Maxflow are particle filtration, the retrieval of recyclable materials and the purification of aqueous solutions.
Maxflow is available in three variants:
- The plug&play solution is a fast and effective solution to a great number of typical process requirements.
- Adaption of the individual components, for example by adding another filter disc to the unit.
- Implementation of a complete system, which can be custom adjusted to meet both known or as yet unencountered customer requirements.
GKD-CompactFiltration's Maxflow concept is a tried and tested serial product with the flexibility needed to be integrated into any customer-specific process. It has proven its efficiency in terms of meeting established standards and as a made-to-measure individual solution. Thanks to worldwide standardized parts and the global presence of GKD through six production facilities, the Maxflow system can be deployed anywhere in the world with equal efficiency. Comprehensive solutions competence, covering all stages from initial layout and dimensioning through to commissioning of the equipment and later expansion or modification to adapt it to changing production conditions, qualifies GKD-CompactFiltration as an efficient systems supplier and reliable technology partner in all stages of the process.
| Self-cleaning filter for liquids Maxflow combines filtration without filter aids - or, if they are required, with considerably reduced quantities of filter aids - and briquetting in a single unit. The main fields of application for Maxflow are particle filtration, the retrieval of recyclable materials and the purification of aqueous solutions.
Maxflow is available in three variants:
- The plug&play solution is a fast and effective solution to a great number of typical process requirements.
- Adaption of the individual components, for example by adding another filter disc to the unit.
- Implementation of a complete system, which can be custom adjusted to meet both known or as yet unencountered customer requirements.
GKD-CompactFiltration's Maxflow concept is a tried and tested serial product with the flexibility needed to be integrated into any customer-specific process. It has proven its efficiency in terms of meeting established standards and as a made-to-measure individual solution. Thanks to worldwide standardized parts and the global presence of GKD through six production facilities, the Maxflow system can be deployed anywhere in the world with equal efficiency. Comprehensive solutions competence, covering all stages from initial layout and dimensioning through to commissioning of the equipment and later expansion or modification to adapt it to changing production conditions, qualifies GKD-CompactFiltration as an efficient systems supplier and reliable technology partner in all stages of the process. | |
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