
Il Jin Tool Tech - компания, специализирующаяся на режущем инструменте. |
Год основания : |
2002 |
Вид деятельности : |
Manufacturer |
ILJIN Tool Tech Co., Ltd. started on December 15, 1990 as a cutting tool company and has been working on localization development centering on import substitution models with excellent development manpower and sufficient experience. We have excellent products developed with out own technology and are doing our best to supply practical and stable products to domestic and foreign companies at low prices.
Out products are produced through state-of-the-art automation systems, from continuous management and research and development, thorough quality control and material to distribution, and we are moving toward to become the best in Korea. ILJIN Tool Tech Co., Ltd. which has always been striving for customer satisfaction with the pride of making the best products, will become global cutting tool company that contributes to customer satisfaction by providing better products and services.
| Il Jin Tool Tech Co., Ltd Зенкеры и корончатые сверла
Режущий инструмент с покрытием
Ствольные сверла
Другие металлорежущие инструменты |
| ILJIN Tool Tech about us Компания ILJIN Tool Tech Co., Ltd., которая всегда стремилась удовлетворить потребности своих клиентов, гордясь производством лучших товаров, станет глобальной компанией по производству режущего инструмента, которая способствует удовлетворению потребностей клиентов, предлагая лучшие товары и услуги. | |
IL JIN catalogue
Il Jin Tool Tech a cutting tool specializing company