
Покрытие поверхностей,
Работы по нанесению покрытий,
Твердое металлическое покрытие,
Техника для обработки поверхностей |
Вид деятельности : |
Manufacturer |
Ionbond является новаторской, высококачественной поставщик современных покрытий и покрытий оборудования. Нашей целью является создание услуги и оборудование бизнеса максимум усилий и обязательств в последующие годы.
Наш широкий спектр продуктов, предлагаемых через специализированные центры для покрытия деталей, резки, штамповки и формирования инструментов, декоративных целей и медицинского оборудования, позволит нам предложить нашим клиентам все преимущества глобального игрока при сохранении местных контакт, который так важен .
Наша миссия заключается в знаем и понимаем потребности наших клиентов лучше, чем наши конкуренты, и доставить исключительную ценность для каждого клиента.
| Bernex CVD Equipment Bernex brand CVD equipment is the reference for reliability and quality. Since it was launched in the early 1970s, the Bernex brand has been introduced in the production facilities of all major cutting tool manufacturers. Today, Bernex CVD equipment is also being used for numerous applications in addition to cutting tools, including extrusion and forming, component and medical applications. Several projects are underway with key customers that will broaden the application base even further.
Modular Approach
Ionbond's modular approach means past customers can upgrade their system with options.
Aluminum Trichloride Generator
The new Aluminum Trichloride Generator was designed to meet the increased requirement for functionality, reliability and reduction of maintenance. Based on all the experience with the previous model and customer information this entirely new Alu-Generator has fully achieved this ambitious target. The Alu-Generator comes with all necessary gas supplies and integrated temperature control for deposition of Al2O3 at temperatures ranging from 900 °C to 1050 °C.
Gas Neutralization System
The neutralization station allows one to connect and neutralize the gases of several CVD units. This unit has the advantage to significantly extend the time of use between refilling NaOH and to space the flushing intervals.
Gas Purification System
The gas purification system removes impurities, especially O2 and H2O, from hydrogen gas stream in an effective, safe and economical manner, allowing technical grade gases to meet the need for high purity gases in the CVD process
| TetraBond Equipment Ionbond TetraBond equipment allows the deposition of extremely hard, non-hydrogenated diamond like carbon coatings (DLC).
Door to door cycle times, generally under 3.5 hours, are much shorter than most DLC / diamond coating deposition cycles.
TetraBond can be deposited on both carbide and steel due to low coating deposition temperature (under 150(°)C).
TetraBond coatings are ideal for machining non-ferrous materials such as:
High silicon content aluminum alloys
Aluminum magnesium matrix materials
Titanium 6Al4V
Epoxy resins
Fiberglass and composites
Brass and bronze
One of the great advantages of TetraBond coatings is that they are suitable for recoating since they can be stripped using a proprietary Ionbond process.
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