PRIMA INDUSTRIE SpA je svetová jednotka v oblasti vysoko strojov laserom pre priemyselné aplikácie. |
rok založenia : |
1977 |
typ obchodu : |
Manufacturer |
PRIMA INDUSTRIE SpA je svetová jednotka v oblasti vysoko strojov laserom pre priemyselné aplikácie.
Tisíce systémov PRIMA INDUSTRIE sú inštalované po celom svete pre rezanie, zváranie a vŕtanie bi-dimenzionální (2D) a troch-dimenzionální (3D), komponenty pre najrôznejšie aplikácie.
Po 30 rokov od svojho založenia, PRIMA INDUSTRIE misia je stále rovnaký svojho pôvodu: inovácia, dokonalosť, rast.
Kompetencie a skúsenosti v oblasti laserovej stroje, nadšenie a odhodlanie, veľkých investícií do výskumu a vývoja, majú povolené kontinuálny vývoj spoločnosti, jej produktoch a službách.
Dnes PRIMA INDUSTRIE má asi 600 zamestnancov a jej sídlo je v Turíne. Výrobné závody sa nachádzajú v Taliansku (PRIMA INDUSTRIE a PRIMA ELECTRONICS), Spojené štáty americké (PRIMA Severná Amerika) a Čína (Šanghaj UNITY PRIMA a Šen-jangu PRIMA). Rozptýlené distribučný systém je aktívna vo viac než 40 krajinách.
PRIMA INDUSTRIE konsolidovaný obrat v roku 2006 bol 148 miliónov euro (+ 33% vo vzťahu k predchádzajúcemu roku), dosiahol viac ako 75% z vývozu v piatich kontinentoch.
Vysoká miera lojality zákazníkov ', dosiahnutie certifikácie ISO 9001:2000, úspešná spoločnosť výpis z Nuovo Mercato v roku 1999 (v súčasnosti STAR segment) a rôzne medzinárodné ocenenie dostal, svedčí PRIMA INDUSTRIE na profesionalitu a nadšenie pre kvalitu vo všetkých aspektoch o svojej činnosti.
| 2D LASER CUTTING Today laser cutting is one of the most widespread material processing techniques, particularly for flat (2D) or bended and formed (3D) sheet metal.
Compared to mechanical tools (shearing, punching, milling, etc.), the laser has many benefits:
maximum application flexibility: any material can be virtually processed (all kinds of steel, aluminium and its alloys, titanium and many other metallic materials, but also the greatest part of plastic materials).
no limit to the shapes which can be obtained: any path, also the most complex one and the most sharp corners, can be cut, since the laser tool is punctiform.
superior accuracy and no part distorsion caused by heat and mechanical stress of the tool;
no tool wear.
Many thousands of 2D laser systems are at work all over the world. Higher production rhythms - and therefore higher cutting speed on all materials - and more and more efficient systems for loading/unloading/storing of raw and finished sheets are increasing requirements in this sector. These are associated to the problems of the collection and treatment of the fumes and dust produced during the process, and of the protection of the operator and the environment.
In order to grant the widest application flexibility, the highest performances and safety standards, PRIMA INDUSTRIE 2D machines use CO2 lasers, mostly manufactured within the Group, and PRIMA ELECTRONICS numerical controls. Unique responsibility and total control of the technology are thus granted.
Many machines are dedicated to intensive production within a totally automated industrial process, but the most typical user is the high quality job-shop, exploiting the performances and the flexibility of the laser tool for his daily achievement on the market. |
| Material Handeling Thanks to their increasing performances and reliability, today laser machines are widely used also for intensive production. Efficient systems for the raw and finished parts handling are therefore becoming more and more important.
For 2D applications PRIMA INDUSTRIE offers its complete line of automatic sheet metal handling systems:
For 3D applications PRIMA INDUSTRIE offers some standard solutions:
"Monofrontale" loading/unloading systems
Whatever your needs, PRIMA INDUSTRIE can develop the most proper solution thanks to its wide and qualified experience in this sector. | |