Partner pre konštrukcie strojov
S využitím konvenčných zlievarenských technológií, predovšetkým procesu SOPHIA® -je možné navrhovať produkty s vysokou dávkou tvorivej slobody. Enormné dynamické zaťaženie a schopnosť šetriť hmotnosť patria k ďalším výhodám našich produktov, ktoré ožívajú napríklad v tlačiarenských lisoch, montážnych strojoch, baliacich a fľašovacích zariadeniach, ako aj v súprave Transrapid (nemeckom vysokorýchlostnom vlaku Maglev).
A company keeps pace through the ages. From the iron foundry established back in 1708 has grown a modern enterprise employing an international workforce of over 2800, which today offers customer-oriented products in the fields of foundry technology, steel profiles, transmission technology and mechanical engineering elements.
Then as now, the name ZOLLERN stands for quality, customer proximity and technical know-how. And we still continue to attach particular importance to comprehensive consultancy and customer proximity - whether in determining the best design for your gears, precision castings and slide bearings, or in choosing the most suitable material.
Our drawn Steel profiles, for instance, are produced to your specific requirements: From the simple DIN profile to the ready-to-mount, complex special profile.
Today, the modern Foundry technology business unit works with a wide range of different alloys from copper through steel to aluminium. In this field, different wrought copper products and castings are produced: These include forged components as well as investment and vacuum investment castings and sand, shell moulding and centrifugal castings. And if you require a cast of your rapid prototyping model we will be pleased to cast it for you in the material of your choice.
Our Transmission technology business unit specializes in the product groups slide bearings, gears and winches according to customer specification, as well as linear elements for automation technology.
And finally to our Mechanical engineering elements: These section complements our range with steel shafts, flat and round guides: Like the profiles, they are up to eight metres long and individually machined.
All products can be finish machined in-house as well as heat and surface treated. Even completely mounted assemblies can be supplied.